-American History
Making Women's History: The Essential Mary Ritter Beard
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Racism, Revolution, Reaction 1861-1877
The challenges - ranging from literacy drives to land reform - confronted by the popular revolutionary governments of Radical Reconstruction that arose in the United States following the Civil War, and the counterrevolution that subsequently overthrew them.
Photos, engravings from news periodicals, notes, bibliography, index.
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Ring Out Freedom
Martin Luther King, Jr. was more than the civil rights movement's most visible figure, he was its voice. This book describes what went into the creation of that voice. It explores how King used words to define a movement. From a place situated between two cultures of American society, King shaped the language that gave the movement its identity and meaning. Fredrik Sunnemark shows how materialistic, idealistic, and religious ways of explaining the world coexisted in King's speeches and writings. He points out the roles of God, Jesus, the church, and "the Beloved Community" in King's rhetoric. Sunnemark examines King's use of allusions, his strategy of employing different meanings of key ideas to speak to different members of his audience, and the way he put into play international ideas and events to achieve certain rhetorical goals. The book concludes with an analysis of King's development after 1965, examining the roots, content, and consequences of his so-called radicalization.
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US Imperialism has lost the Cold War
U.S. Imperialism Has Lost the Cold War ...That's what the Socialist Workers Party concluded in the wake of the collapse of regimes and parties across Eastern Europe and in the USSR that claimed to be Communist. Contrary to imperialism's hopes, the working class in those countries has not been crushed. It remains an intractable obstacle to reimposing and stabilizing capitalist relations, one that will have to be confronted by the exploiters in class battlesin a hot war. Issue no. 11 of the Marxist magazine New International analyzes the propertied rulers' failed expectations and charts a course for revolutionaries in response to the renewed rise of worker and farmer resistance to the economic and social instability, spreading wars, and rightist currents bred by the world market system. It explains why the historic odds in favor of the working class have increased, not diminished, at the opening of the 21st century. Also includes: The Communist Strategy of Party Building Today by Mary-Alice Waters Socialism
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