An Introduction to Language (with 2021 MLA Update Card) 11/E
Whether you are studying education, languages, cognitive science, psychology, anthropology, English, or teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE, 11th Edition, offers the information you need in a clear and descriptive manner that assumes no prior knowledge of linguistics. This edition retains the blend of humor and broad coverage that have made the text a perennial best seller, while adding up-to-date information and new research that render each topic fresh, engaging, and current.
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An Introduction to Pidgins and Creoles
This textbook is a clear and concise introduction to the study of how new languages come into being. Starting with an overview of the field's basic concepts, it surveys the new languages that developed as a result of the European expansion to the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Long misunderstood as "bad" versions of European languages, today such varieties as Jamaican Creole English, Haitian Creole French and New Guinea Pidgin are recognized as distinct languages in their own right.
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An Introduction to Sociolinguistics 6ed.
This fully revised textbook is a new edition of Ronald Wardhaugh’s popular and accessible An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.
- Provides an accessible, comprehensive introduction to sociolinguistics that reflects new developments in the field.
- Fully revised, with 130 new and updated references to bring the book completely up-to-date.
- Includes suggested readings, discussion sections, and exercises.
- Features increased emphasis on issues of identity, solidarity, and power
- Discusses topics such as language dialects, pidgins and creoles, codes, bilingualism, speech communities, variation, words and culture, ethnographies, solidarity and politeness, talk and action, gender, disadvantage, and planning.
- Designed for introductory and post-introductory students, and ideal for courses including introduction to sociolinguistics, aspects of sociolinguistics, and language and society.
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Discourse, The body and Identity
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Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research 6/E
A practical, step-by-step core research text that balances coverage of qualitative, quantitative and combined methods
Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research offers a truly balanced, inclusive, and integrated overview of the processes involved in educational research. This text first examines the general steps in the research process and then details the procedures for conducting specific types of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies. Direct guidance on reading research is offered throughout the text, and features provide opportunities for practice.
Also available with MyLab Education
MyLab is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Education helps learners understand the basic vocabulary of educational research, acquire hands-on experience, and get guided practice in understanding research articles and in conducting and reporting their own research.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Education does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Education, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Education, search for:
0134458966 / 9780134458960 Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research plus MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card Package
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English Grammar
This elementary textbook provides a succinct step-by-step account of all the most important and central English construction and categories. Rodney Huddleston's earlier work, An Introduction to the Grammar of English, was praised by reviewers for its clarity, and that is a particular strength of this new textbook as well. The book draws on descriptive and theoretical advances made in modern linguistics, but any significant departures from traditional grammar are pointed out. An important feature of the book is that it explains the major grammatical categories at both a language-particular level (specifically for English) and a general level, so that it could be used as a concise reference work for English by students taking courses in language typology.
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Grammar and Meaning
Grammar and Meaning is an introduction to the study of grammar of contemporary English. It provides an impressive survey of all the main areas of English grammar, from words through to sentences and texts. It introduces and explains the linguistic terms needed to talk about the ways in which language works, from simple terms like adjective to more complex terms like non-finite clause. To meet the needs of both students and scholars, Howard Jackson has produced an innovative approach to the study of English grammar. Instead of concentrating on the formal and theoretical discussion of grammar, as many introductions do, this original analysis examines the 'meanings' we want to express when we use language. Beginning with the question, "What do we talk about?", it goes on to investigate how these meanings are structured in the grammar of English. These notions are closer to our ordinary understanding of what language is doing, and therefore the forms and structures of grammar are more easily grasped. The book is extensively illustrated with examples from real English. With analytical exercises in each chapter and a comprehensive glossary of terms, the book will prove and invaluable aid to students of English language, linguistics and English as a Foreign Language, whilst also being accessible to anyone who studies English grammar as part of their course.
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Introducing English Grammar
Introducing English Grammar guides readers through the practical analysis of the syntax of English sentences. With all special terms carefully explained as they are introduced, the book is written for readers with no previous experience of grammatical analysis. It is ideal for all beginning students of linguistics, English language, speech pathology, as well as students with primarily literary interests who need to cover the basics of linguistic analysis.
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Introducing English Semantics
Introducing English Semantics is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the study of meaning.
Charles W. Kreidler presents the basic principles of this discipline. He explores how languages organize and express meanings through words, parts of words and sentences.
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Language Files /10E
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Language Files : Materials for an Introduction to Language & Linguistics 12ed.
Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics has become one of the most widely adopted, consulted, and authoritative introductory textbooks to linguistics ever written. The scope of the text makes it suitable for use in a wide range of courses, while its unique organization into student-friendly, self-contained sections allows for tremendous flexibility in course design.
The twelfth edition has been significantly revised, clarified, and updated throughout--with particular attention to the chapters on phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, and especially psycholinguistics. The restructured chapter on psycholinguistics makes use of recent research on language in the brain and includes expanded coverage of language processing disorders, introducing students to current models of speech perception and production and cutting-edge research techniques. In addition, exercises have been updated, and icons have been added to the text margins throughout the book, pointing instructors and students to useful and engaging audio files, videos, and other online resources on the accompanying Language Files website, which has also been significantly expanded.
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Lexicography: An Introduction
This book is an accessible introduction to lexicography - the study of dictionaries.
Dictionaries are used at home and at school, cited in law courts, sermons and parliament, and referred to by crossword addicts and Scrabble players alike. Lexicography provides a detailed overview of the history, types and content of these essential references. Howard Jackson analyzes a wide range of dictionaries, from those for native speakers to thematic dictionaries and those on CD-ROM, to reveal the ways in which dictionaries fulfil their dual function of describing the vocabulary of English and providing a useful and accessible reference resource.
Beginning with an introduction to the terms used in lexicology to describe words and vocabulary, and offering summaries and suggestions for further reading, Lexicography: An Introduction is highly student-friendly. It is ideal for anyone with an interest in the development and use of dictionaries.
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Linguistic Theory: A Discourse of Fundamental Works
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Linguistics Semantics: An Introduction
Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction is the successor to Sir John Lyons' important textbook Language, Meaning and Context (1981). While preserving the general structure of the earlier book, the author has substantially expanded its scope to introduce several topics that were not previously discussed, and to take account of new developments in linguistic semantics over the past decade. The resulting work is an invaluable guide to the subject, offering clarifications of its specialized terms and explaining its relationship to formal and philosophical and to contemporary semantics and pragmatics. With its clear and accessible style it will appeal to a wide student readership. Sir John Lyons is one of the most important and internationally renowned contributors to the study of linguistics. His many publications include his Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (1968) and Semantics (1977).
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Pidgins and Creoles: An introduction
This introduction to the linguistic study of pidgin and creole languages is clearly designed as an introductory course book. It does not demand a high level of previous linguistic knowledge. Part I: General Aspects and Part II: Theories of Genesis constitute the core for presentation and discussion in the classroom, while Part III: Sketches of Individual Languages (such as Eskimo Pidgin, Haitian, Saramaccan, Shaba Swahili, Fa d'Ambu, Papiamentu, Sranan, Berbice Dutch) and Part IV: Grammatical Features (such as TMA particles and auxiliaries, noun phrases, reflexives, serial verbs, fronting) can form the basis for further exploration. A concluding chapter draws together the different strands of argumentation, and the annotated list provides the background information on several hundred pidgins, creoles and mixed languages.
Diversity rather than unity is taken to be the central theme, and for the first time in an introduction to pidgins and creoles, the Atlantic creoles receive the attention they deserve. Pidgins are not treated as necessarily an intermediate step on the way to creoles, but as linguistic entities in their own right with their own characteristics. In addition to pidgins, mixed languages are treated in a separate chapter.
Research on pidgin and creole languages during the past decade has yielded an abundance of uncovered material and new insights. This introduction, written jointly by the creolists of the University of Amsterdam, could not have been written without recourse to this new material.
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Principles of Language Learning and Teaching 6ed.
"A course in second language acquisition."
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Projects in Linguistics
Following increased emphasis on research projects at the undergraduate level, this book, now in paperback, teaches students how to write good research projects in linguistics. Giving an overview of major themes of linguistics and introducing essential tools and techniques, the book provides practical advice on how to choose a research topic, collect data, analyse it, and write up the results. Incorporating over 300 project ideas and covering plagiarism, referencing, phonetic and orthographic transcription and tips on writing good English, Projects in Linguistics is a treasure trove of helpful information vital to students in the field.
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Quantitative Research in Linguistics
This textbook presents a comprehensive introduction to analysing quantitative linguistic data. Starting with an in-depth examination of what quantitative data is, and how it differs from qualitative data, the book examines what the linguist is trying to find out through analysing data, and how quantitative techniques can help him or her to arrive at meaningful and accurate conclusions.
The book introduces: - using statistics, variables, reliability of data, describing data, analysing data, testing hypotheses and dealing with problematic data. Each chapter includes graphs and figures explaining theory through worked examples, chapter summaries, and exercises to aid student understanding. An appendix containing a summary of statistical formulae, excel commands and statistical tables is included and is an invaluable resource.
Presenting a down-to-earth and readable introduction to quantitative research, this book is a useful how-to guide for students encountering quantitative data for the first time, or for postgraduates embarking on linguistic research projects.
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Research in Applied Linguistics
This text provides a solid introduction to the foundations of research methods, with the goal of enabling students and professionals in the field of applied linguistics to become not just casual consumers of research who passively read bits and pieces of a research article, but discerning consumers able to effectively use published research for practical purposes in educational settings. All issues important for understanding and using published research for these purposes are covered. Key principles are illustrated with research studies published in refereed journals across a wide spectrum of applied linguistics. Exercises distributed throughout the text encourage readers to engage interactively with what they are reading at the point when the information is fresh in their minds.
*Part II is structured around the standard format in which components of a typical research report appear in most research journals. Issues such as research design, data collection methods, and data handling procedures, are discussed at a level that is understandable and useful to the novice consumer.
Research in Applied Linguistics: Becoming a Discerning Consumer is designed so that it can be used as a text for courses in MATESOL/TEFL and applied linguistics programs. Course instructors will find that this book provides a strong framework in which to promote student interaction and discussion on important issues in research methodology. This book has been field tested during development and has proven to be an effective instrument for bringing people up to the level of 'discerning consumer' over a relatively short period of time.
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Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methodologies
This is a very practical and accessible book that offers a comprehensive overview of research methodology in applied linguistics by describing the various stages of qualitative and quantitative investigations, from collecting the data to reporting the results. It also discusses 'mixed methods research', that is, the various combinations of qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
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Research Methods in Linguistics
An in-depth introduction to all research methods in linguistics, this is the ideal textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Research Methods are important skills for students of linguistics to learn prior to undertaking research projects at either undergraduate or postgraduate level. Students need to learn how to develop research methods appropriate for their chosen study, and how to record, transcribe, code and analyse the data collected. This comprehensive introduction to research methods in linguistics guides the student through these areas, offering advice at a theoretical and practical level. The book covers formal, computational, quantitative and qualitative research methods in detail, and each chapter is written by an academic renowned in the field. Topics covered include: using corpora, questionnaire design, computer-assisted content analysis, interview methods, observation, fieldwork in linguistics, and statistic analysis. Providing an in-depth introduction to all research methods in linguistics, this is the ideal textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students encountering linguistic data for the first time. Research Methods in Linguistics is a new series from Continuum providing a series of introductions to the quantitative and qualitative research methods needed by undergraduate and postgraduate students. The centre of the series is Research Methods in Linguistics edited by Lia Litosseliti, which provides a comprehensive overview of all the research methods needed by linguistics students. Each book in the series takes one of the research methods described in the general introduction and expands upon this in a book length study.
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Second Language Learning Theories
Second Language Learning Theories is an introduction to the field of second language learning for students without a substantial background in linguistics. In this new edition, new studies have been incorporated and the evaluation sections in each chapter have been expanded, ensuring that the book remains as fresh, engaging and useful as the day it was first published.
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Semantics 2ed.
This second edition of Semantics provides an engaging introduction to semantics for students new to the field.
- This second edition provides an engaging introduction to semantics for students new to the field.
- Covers the basic concepts and methods of the field and discusses some of the most important contemporary lines of research.
- Contains exercises that familiarize the student with the practice of semantic description.
- Completely revised and updated with an extended discussion of theory.
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Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society, 4/E
This is a classic book on a fascinating subject. Peter Trudgill examines the close link between language and society and the many factors that influence the way we speak. These range from gender, environment, age, race, class, region and politics. Trudgill's book surveys languages and societies from all over the world drawing on examples from Afrikaans to Yiddish. He has added a fascinating chapter on the development of a language as a result of a non-native speaker's use of it. Compelling and authoritative, this new edition of a bestselling book is set to redraw the boundaries of the study of sociolinguistics.
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