Falar Ler Escrever... Portugues: Um Curso Para Estrangeiros - Glossario Ingles

Falar Ler Escrever... Portugues: Um Curso Para Estrangeiros - Glossario Ingles
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From the back cover: "This glossary, part of the learning method "Falar... Ler... Escrever... Portugues - Um Corso Para Estrangeiros" contains all of the vocabulary used in the Textbook and in the Workbook. It does not replace a dictionary because the words are translated solely according to their meaning in the context they have been applied to. Whenever possible, idiomatic expressions and peculiar word usages in Portuguese are translated by corresponding elements in English." "Words that present special cultural or linguistic interest are organized in boxes. In this way the student is introduced into Brazilian habits and usages and is able to develop a deeper view of text and context."

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Falar Ler Escrever... Portugues: Um Curso Para Estrangeiros- Livro de Exercicios

Falar Ler Escrever... Portugues: Um Curso Para Estrangeiros- Livro de Exercicios
125.20 BBD
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