A Translation Manual for the Caribbean (English-Spanish)
This manual is a comprehensive collection of resources for tertiary teachers and students of English-Spanish translation in the Caribbean region. It consists principally of Caribbean source texts in a variety of discourses, each accompanied by a translation and a commentary. It fills a gap in the market for a resource text specifically designed for tertiary Caribbean students, teachers and practitioners interested in English-Spanish translation. The text contains practical translation exercises in tourism, commerce, law, culture and journalism. All source material originates within the Caribbean or deals with Caribbean subject matter. It also includes intra-lingual translation between vernacular and standard English to illustrate concepts of register and stylistics. Solutions to the exercises and other relevant material are on the accompanying website at http: //www.caribbeantranslationmanual.com. The manual also features an introductory essay on translation in the Caribbean and an appendix with resources such as training centres, Web sites and agencies. To date there has been no descriptive account of translation activity in the Caribbean, despite the region's multilingual character and the relatively large existing corpus on Creole linguistics and related topics. It analyses the part played by translation in the region's functioning and in the construction of its identity. The appendix provides a practical aid to teachers, students and professionals in the translation field with a specific interest in the Caribbean region.
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Ana En El Tropico
Ganadora del Premio Pulitzer 2003 de Obras Dramáticas
Extraordinaria y evocativa. La estelar Ana en el trópico es una obra de arte.” Christine Dolen, Miami Herald
Ana en el trópico es una obra hermosa y conmovedora, reforzada por el humor y la congja. Cruz es un seductor narrador de cuentos, y un dúctil tejedor de sueños.” Robert L. Daniels, Variety
El lenguaje de Cruz posee una brilliante belleza lírica, y una simple precision que encanta con su elegancia natural.” Desmond Ryan, Philadelphia Inquirer
Ana en el trópico es una nueva obra conmovedora y poética, ambientada en la Florida del año 1929, en una fábrica de tabacos cubanoamericana en la que los puros aún se hacian a mano, y donde se contrataba a lectores para instruir y entretener a los empleados. El arribo de un Nuevo lector es causa de celebración, pero cuando éste comienza a leer en voz alta de Ana Karénina, sin proponérselo, se vuelve el catalizador de las vidas de los ávidos oyentes, para los que Tolstói, el trópico, y el sueño americano resultan ser una combinación volátil.
Nilo Cruz, cuyas obras incluyen Two Sisters and a Piano, Lorca in a Green Dress, Night Train to Bolina, A Bicycle Country y Dancing on Her Knees, es uno de los más prolificos de los dramaturges cubanoamericanos. Cruz ha sido profesor de dramaturgia en las universidades Brown y Yale, y también ha recibido numerosos galardones, incluyendo el premio Pulitzer de 2003 de obras dramáticas, el galardón Steinberg, y el premio Kesselring.
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Aula Internacional 1: Libro del Alumno + CD (A1)
Dirigido a jovenes y adultos, Aula internacional 1 (Nueva edicion) es el curso de espanol orientado a la accion que hace del aula el contexto perfecto para el aprendizaje de la lengua... por su variedad de actividades, que tienen en cuenta los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje por su equilibrio entre el trabajo de comprension, de produccion y de interaccion por su tratamiento de la gramatica, riguroso y significativo por su lenguaje grafico claro y atractivo porque ofrece numerosos documentos auditivos porque cada unidad didactica incorpora un video porque se complementa con una plataforma de recursos digitales Aula internacional Nueva edicion es un manual compacto; es decir, en un mismo volumen se incluyen: el libro del alumno el cuaderno de ejercicios (Mas ejercicios) un CD con las audiciones un extenso resumen gramatical (Mas gramatica) una completa tabla de verbos regulares e irregulares.
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Aula Internacional 2: Libro del Alumno + CD (A2)
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Aula Internacional 4: Libro del Alumno + CD (B2.1)
El manual de español orientado a la accion que hace del aula el contexto perfecto para el aprendizaje de la lengua…por su variedad de actividades, que tienen en cuenta los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, por su equilibrio entre el trabajo de comprension, de produccion y de interaccion,por su tratamiento de la gramatica, riguroso y significativo, por su lenguaje grafico claro y atractivo, porque , frece numerosos audios, porque cada unidad didactica incorpora un video, porque se complementa con recursos digitales alojados en campus.difusion.com. Aula internacional Nueva edicion es un manual compacto; es decir, en un mismo volumen se incluyen: el libro del alumno, el cuaderno de ejercicios (Mas ejercicios), un CD con las audiciones, un extenso resumen gramatical (Mas gramatica), una completa tabla de verbos regulares e irregulares.
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Aula Internacional 5. Nueva edicion. B2.2. Libro del alumno + CD (Spanish Edition)
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Aula International : Libro del Alumno y Ejercicios 3 + CD, Curso de Espanol
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Barranca Abajo
Florencio Sánchez (Montevideo, 17 de enero de 1875 - Milán, Italia, 7 de noviembre de 1910), dramaturgo y periodista uruguayo, cuya producción y herencia artística se desarrolla en ambas orillas del Río de la Plata. Es considerado una de las figuras principales del teatro mundial.
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Dicho y Hecho Activities Manual
* Easy To Understand. Dicho y hecho's award-winning design features crisp, clean, and uncluttered pages. The design highlights key grammatical structures and important information, making the text an easy study guide.
* Flexible. Dicho y hecho focuses on the essentials that students need to study while leaving the text flexible and adaptable for any kind of course in the curriculum.
* Easy to Use. Whether you supplement with transparencies or technology, Dicho y hecho's clean, streamlined approach to the basics doesn't get in the way of a clear course solidly grounded in the basics.
* Practical, Contextualized Active Vocabulary. Thematic vocabulary is presented visually and contextually, and then becomes active through multiple and progressive phases of application... Dicho y hecho offers the most thorough and varied practice and application of vocabulary of any text available today.
* Web-Extended Panoramas Culturales. Each country has its own unique home page, with a mix of, maps, graphics, and web-based discussion and research activities, with numerous links that offer virtual experiences in any land and culture.
* Exemplary Step-by-Step Presentation Of Grammar A clear, uncomplicated, classroom-tested presentation of structures allows students to study easily on their own, with Internet support.
* Ample Varied Opportunities For Structured, Guided, and Open-Ended Practice. Dicho y hecho presents a broader variety of time-tested exercises/activities than any text of its kind.
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Dicho y Hecho Beginning Spanish: Workbook
* Easy To Understand. Dicho y hecho's award-winning design features crisp, clean, and uncluttered pages. The design highlights key grammatical structures and important information, making the text an easy study guide.
* Flexible. Dicho y hecho focuses on the essentials that students need to study while leaving the text flexible and adaptable for any kind of course in the curriculum.
* Easy to Use. Whether you supplement with transparencies or technology, Dicho y hecho's clean, streamlined approach to the basics doesn't get in the way of a clear course solidly grounded in the basics.
* Practical, Contextualized Active Vocabulary. Thematic vocabulary is presented visually and contextually, and then becomes active through multiple and progressive phases of application... Dicho y hecho offers the most thorough and varied practice and application of vocabulary of any text available today.
* Web-Extended Panoramas Culturales. Each country has its own unique home page, with a mix of, maps, graphics, and web-based discussion and research activities, with numerous links that offer virtual experiences in any land and culture.
* Exemplary Step-by-Step Presentation Of Grammar A clear, uncomplicated, classroom-tested presentation of structures allows students to study easily on their own, with Internet support.
* Ample Varied Opportunities For Structured, Guided, and Open-Ended Practice. Dicho y hecho presents a broader variety of time-tested exercises/activities than any text of its kind.
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Dicho y hecho: Beginning Spanish (Spanish Edition) 8ed.
Building on Dicho y hecho's strong 25-year tradition, this eighth edition now incorporates an unwavering focus on authentic communication. It offers the most thorough and varied practice of vocabulary of any text available today. Thematic vocabulary is presented visually and contextually and then activated through multiple, progressive phases of application that range from identification in the chapter opening art scenes to personal expression and situational conversations.
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Easy Learning Complete Spanish Grammar Verbs Vocabulary
The grammar section provides easily accessible information, with key grammatical points highlighted throughout, hundreds of examples of real Spanish, and a full glossary of grammatical terminology. The verbs section offers 120 fully conjugated regular and irregular verbs. Major constructions and idiomatic phrases are given for all verb models. The handy vocabulary section covers 50 topics (such as family, free time, careers, computing, education, food and drink, health, and shopping).
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Easy Learning Spanish Conversation
This unique guide to communicating in Spanish will help you to find out more about Spanish culture and to practice your spoken Spanish with a free downloadable audio file
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Easy Learning Spanish Grammar
Collins Easy Learning Grammar titles provide easily accessible information in an attractively presented layout. Key grammatical points are highlighted, and a glossary gives clear explanations of grammatical terminology. The books also discuss all the regular verb forms and conjugations, and the most common tenses of irregular verbs are shown in full. An index contains thousands of verbs, cross-referred to their conjugation model.
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Easy Learning Spanish Idioms
This is a guide to communicating in Spanish. It will help learners to discover expressions and idioms to make their Spanish more natural and fluent, while developing awareness of Spanish culture.
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Easy Spanish Reader 2ed.
Easy Spanish Reader is a unique, easy-to-follow guide based on the premise that the best way to learn a language is to start reading it immediately! Whether you're a brand-new beginner or an advanced-beginning learner, this new edition gives you ways to dive into the language with engaging readings that progress in difficulty to match your growing reading skills. This process will allow you to rapidly build comprehension and confidence as you enjoy the stories.
Easy Spanish Reader begins with the story of two high-school seniors involved with their Spanish Club. As you read about their experiences, you'll discover the nuances of language and culture right along with the students.
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El africano / The African Man (Narrativas) (Spanish Edition)
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En Contacto Gramatica en Accion 8ed.
EN CONTACTO: GRAMATICA EN ACCION is a best-selling intermediate Spanish program designed to put the English-speaking learner in touch with contemporary Hispanic culture through its language and literature. The program stresses communication and, when used with the LECTURAS INTERMEDIAS volume, emphasizes the acquisition of reading skills and text comprehension."
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Guía básica de la critica literaria y el trabajo de investigación
Begin or refine your journey to master Spanish-language literature with this revised and expanded edition of Guía básica de la critica literaria y el trabajo de investigación. This focused and comprehensible guide empowers students to become better readers and, thus, better writers by focusing on the practice of literary theory, the application of literary criticism, and the structuring of literary essays. Frieda Blackwell and Paul Larson begin with the important questions that any astute reader should ask about literary texts and then give a brief introduction to the main literary theories in use today, including formalism, postmodernism, and ecocriticism. They then address the literary essay, beginning with how to choose a topic and start the research process and advancing to how to structure a literary essay and what to include in each section. The book also discusses best practices for primary and secondary sources, proper citations, paragraphing, and capitalization. With a variety of excerpts from both Spanish and Latin American literature, examples of actual student essays, and a glossary of literary terms in Spanish with their English equivalents, Guía básica provides students with the tools needed to succeed, whether they are beginning their literary studies or progressing to more advanced literature classes.
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Planeta E/LE 1: Libro del alumno
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