A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication 5ed.

A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication 5ed.
69.16 BBD
86.45 BBD
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17.29 BBD
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Adolescent Coping

Adolescent Coping
6.45 BBD
64.45 BBD
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58.00 BBD
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Young people need to cope in a variety of settings, including school, home, peer groups and the workplace, and with a range of life problems such as examinations and parental divorce. This thoroughly revised and updated new edition of Adolescent Coping presents the latest research and applications in the field of coping. It highlights the ways in which coping can be measured and, in particular, details a widely used adolescent coping instrument.

Topics include the different ways in which girls and boys cope, coping in the family, how culture and context determine how young people cope, decisional coping, problem solving and social coping, with a particular emphasis on practice. Each topic is considered in light of past and recent research findings and each chapter includes quotations from young people. While topics such as depression, eating disorders, self-harm and grief and loss are addressed, there is a substantial focus on the positive aspects of coping, including an emphasis on resilience and the achievement of happiness. In addition to the wide-ranging research findings that are reported, many of the chapters consider implications and applications of the relevant findings with suggestions for the development of coping skills and coping skills training.

Adolescent Coping will be of interest to students of psychology, social work, sociology, education and youth and community work as well as to an audience of parents, educators and adolescents.

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Adult Development and Aging 6ed.

Adult Development and Aging 6ed.
135.99 BBD
151.10 BBD
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15.11 BBD
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An Inroduction to Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics

An Inroduction to Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics
83.30 BBD
92.55 BBD
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9.25 BBD
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This accessible book outlines the key ingredients of psychological assessment and provides case studies to illustrate their application, making this an ideal textbook for courses on psychometrics or psychological assessment. The book covers the nature of assessment, basic components, how tests are made, underlying statistics, reliability and validity, assessment of intelligence, abilities and personality, non-psychometric approaches, as well as ethical and professional issues and modern developments. A final chapter explains how readers can construct their own tests. Wide-ranging case studies demonstrate the variety of contexts in which assessment is conducted. The author's clarity of writing and use of practical examples throughout helps students apply these methods in practice with confidence as part of their studies on an array of courses.

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An Introduction to Theories of Human Development

An Introduction to Theories of Human Development
41.58 BBD
166.30 BBD
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124.72 BBD
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An Introduction to Theories of Human Development provides a comprehensive view of the primary theoretical models of human development including those from the biological, psychoanalytic, behavioral, and cognitive developmental perspectives. Along with a brief discussion of a historical background for each of these approaches, this book examines the application of these theories to various aspects of human development, such as the effectiveness of early intervention, individual differences, adolescence, and sociobiology.

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Case Studies in Psychotherapy 5ed.

Case Studies in Psychotherapy 5ed.
50.93 BBD
101.85 BBD
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50.92 BBD
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The fifth edition of CASE STUDIES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY maintains its parallel structure with the Eighth Edition of Corsini and Wedding's CURRENT PSYCHOTHERAPIES. Cases are selected on the basis of intrinsic interest, clarity of presentation, and the extent to which each case demonstrates the basic techniques and methods of the theory being illustrated. This edition retains classic case studies by L. Bryce Boyer, Barbara Sullivan, Harold Mosak, Carl Rogers, Albert Ellis, Irvin Yalom, Arnold Lazarus, and Peggy Papp.

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Community Psychology

Community Psychology
15.38 BBD
153.80 BBD
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138.42 BBD
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This book is both a sequel to and expansion of Community Psychology, published in 1992. It serves as a textbook for courses on community psychology but now also includes material on inequality and health, since both are concerned with the way an individual's social setting and the systems with which they interact affect their problems and the solutions they devise. Part 1 sets the scene by locating community psychology in its historical and contemporary context. In Part 2, disempowered groups and their physical and mental health are considered. Finally in Part 3 the application of community psychology is discussed, and the ways in which marginalised people can be helped by strengthening their communities highlighted.

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Cross Cultural Explorations

Cross Cultural Explorations
103.14 BBD
114.60 BBD
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11.46 BBD
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This student activities workbook provides students with experiences that facilitate their understanding and application of major concepts and principles in the study of culture and psychology. Featuring a wide range of engaging case studies, the workbook includes 90 activities that run the gamut from mini-experiments to library research projects. These activities address topics such as race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, and social class. Each one includes background information on the concept featured. In addition, the workbook is supported by a substantial Instructor's Manual that includes discussion questions, variations by course level, and suggestions for expanded writing. For readers interested in the study of culture and psychology.

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Culture & Psychology 4ed.

Culture & Psychology 4ed.
47.15 BBD
94.30 BBD
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47.15 BBD
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Developing Your Theoretical Orientation in Counseling & Psychotherapy 2ed.

Developing Your Theoretical Orientation in Counseling & Psychotherapy 2ed.
84.51 BBD
93.90 BBD
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9.39 BBD
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"Developing Your Theoretical Orientation in Counseling and Psychotherapy" provides therapists-in-training with tools, strategies, and activities to formulate their response to the age-old question, "What's your theoretical orientation?" The underpinnings of counseling and psychotherapy are based in its theoretical foundation. This text gives students the understanding and the tools to develop a theoretical orientation throughout their training program. The innovative Second Edition incorporates cultural competencies and alternatives views of theoretical orientation, such as strategic eclecticism, as well as provides a greater focus on constructivist and family theories.

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Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology
8.31 BBD
83.10 BBD
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74.79 BBD
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Developmental Psychology provides student readers with essential help in all aspects of their first course in developmental psychology, including advice on revising exams, preparing and writing course assessment materials, and enhancing and progressing their knowledge and skills in line with course requirements on a developmental psychology course.

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Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)
50.36 BBD
503.60 BBD
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453.24 BBD
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Stay current with important updates to the DSM-IV®

• Benefit from new research into Schizophrenia, Asperger’s Disorder, and other conditions
• Utilize additional information about the epidemiology and other facets of DSM conditions
• Update ICD-9-CM codes implemented since 1994 (including Conduct Disorder, Dementia, Somatoform Disorders)

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Dream a World

57.66 BBD
115.32 BBD
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57.66 BBD
Sale 50% off 1 item
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Environmental Psychology 5ed.

Environmental Psychology 5ed.
75.60 BBD
108.00 BBD
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32.40 BBD
Sale 30% off 1 item

Bell et al’s Environmental Psychology is considered to be the most authoritative textbook available for this course. It is the only environmental psychology book to appear in five editions.  It is noted for its focus on the application of science and theory to the solution of problems involving natural and altered environments. The book reviews the application of practical solutions to everyday environmental problems. The authors integrate theory, research, and application using their unifying, eclectic model to demonstrate human-environment interaction. The book reviews how we are a product of our environment, our biology, and the interaction of the two. It discusses how our physical environment such as noise and weather impact us. It also reviews how we can modify our environment through design principles such as aesthetics, and how we modify our environment when we disregard the impact other people and/or elements have on our ecological system. Each chapter addresses both micro and macro- environmental influences, including the short- and long-term effects of both. 

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Ethical Conflicts in Psychology 4ed.

Ethical Conflicts in Psychology 4ed.
15.05 BBD
150.50 BBD
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135.45 BBD
Sale 90% off 1 item

The fourth edition of the classic volume ""Ethical Conflicts in Psychology"", a perennial best seller, describes the fundamental ethical dilemmas embedded in the psychologist's array of roles - assessor, treater, and researcher. The author updates readers on such complex issues as the duty-to-protect, multiple relationships, privacy, privileged communication, and the treatment of minors and clients with HIV/AIDS, particularly with regard to confidentiality.More than 20 articles published since 2003, and additional commentaries, have been added on topics such as performing assessments, providing therapy, and conducting research on the Internet; navigating the federal regulations governing the transmission of health care records electronically under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); responding to requests for ""raw data"" from parents, insurers, and attorneys; testifying as an expert witness; becoming involved in military interrogations; and practicing ethically under the boundaries of managed care.Material has been excerpted from a wide variety of publications to illuminate the most salient points related to ethics. Excerpts are linked to original commentary that highlights opposing viewpoints, poses lively discussion questions, offers numerous vignettes, and suggests additional readings.First published in 1995, ""Ethical Conflicts in Psychology"" quickly became a definitive and valued comprehensive resource. Widely adopted as a textbook in graduate psychology courses in ethics and continuing education development, this innovative volume presents readers with over 100 different perspectives on crucial ethical issues and offers possible solutions from an expert ethics educator, psychologist, and former APA general counsel.

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Ethics In Action CD-ROM Version 1.2, Stand Alone Version

Ethics In Action CD-ROM Version 1.2, Stand Alone Version
99.25 BBD

This new CD-ROM adds another dimension of interactivity to your course! The ETHICS IN ACTION CD-ROM creates a helpful multimedia learning environment for your students. They'll find insightful video clips and workbook exercises that help test their knowledge and skills for various ethical dilemmas. The CD-ROM contains a total of 60 minutes of video and has several reflective questions for each ethical dilemma presented. Each module begins with a Pre-Inventory that gives preliminary information and a self-assessment that gauges the student's knowledge in the subject area. Students are then asked to select a segment and watch the role play of the ethical dilemma and answer several reflective questions. After answering the questions, the student watches a classroom discussion that brings up pertinent issues and examines the approach taken by the counselor. At the completion of each module, there is a Post-Inventory that assesses the student's competence after completing the material in the module. After each segment, the student can save, print or email their answers to the reflective questions.

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Learning to Use Statistical Tests in Psychology

Learning to Use Statistical Tests in Psychology
36.66 BBD
146.65 BBD
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109.99 BBD
Sale 75% off 1 item

This widely acclaimed text is an accessible and comprehensible introduction to the use of statistical tests in psychology experiments. Its key objective is to enable students to select appropriate statistical tests to evaluate the significance of data obtained from psychological experiments. An important development for the third edition is that students are introduced to modern statistical packages as a useful tool for calculations, the emphasis being on understanding and interpretation.

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Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology

Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology
241.16 BBD
267.95 BBD
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26.79 BBD
Sale 10% off 1 item

While most abnormal psychology texts seem to aim solely for breadth, the acclaimed Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology aims for depth, with a focus on adult disorders and special attention given to the personality disorders. Almost a decade has passed since the first edition was published, establishing itself as an unparalleled guide for professionals and graduate students alike, and in this second edition, esteemed editors Paul H. Blaney and Theodore Millon have once again selected the most eminent researchers in abnormal psychology to cover all the major mental disorders, allowing them to discuss notable issues in the various pathologies which are their expertise. This collection exposes readers to exceptional scholarship, a history of psychopathology, the logic of the best approaches to current disorders, and an expert outlook on what future researchers and mental health professionals will be facing in the years to come.

With extensive coverage of personality disorders and issues related to classification and differential diagnosis, this volume will be exceptionally useful for all mental health workers, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, and as a textbook focused on understanding psychopathology in depth, as well as a valuable guide for graduate psychology students and psychiatric residents.

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Psychohistoriography: A Post-Colonial Psychoanalytic and Psychotherapeutic Model

Psychohistoriography: A Post-Colonial Psychoanalytic and Psychotherapeutic Model
57.66 BBD
115.32 BBD
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57.66 BBD
Sale 50% off 1 item
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Psychological Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour 3ed.

8.85 BBD
88.50 BBD
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79.65 BBD
Sale 90% off 1 item
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Psychology 2ed.

Psychology 2ed.
43.09 BBD
172.35 BBD
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129.26 BBD
Sale 75% off 1 item

This introductory psychology textbook focuses on 'mind bugs' - foibles of the mind that are intrinsically fascinating and provide fundamental insights into how the mind works. It outlines the most essential research in psychology and neuroscience.

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Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic and Contemporary 7ed.

Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic and Contemporary 7ed.
39.73 BBD
158.90 BBD
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119.17 BBD
Sale 75% off 1 item


This collection of readings gives students exposure to a wide variety of perspectives in the field of social psychology. Each of the fifteen chapters begins with an introduction and is followed by three articles: one general (popular), one classic, and one contemporary. The articles are followed by critical questions designed to facilitate comprehension and encourage discussion. The use of both popular readings and research articles provides students with a broad range of views and theories within the discipline of social psychology. The topical organization of the collection directly parallels Baron/Byrne/Branscombe's Social Psychology, Eleventh Edition. However, Readings in Social Psychology can be used with any social psychology textbook, or as a stand-alone reader in courses that do not use full textbooks.

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Social Psychology 15/e (Global Edition)

220.75 BBD
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Social Psychology: Applied & Psychology is Social Pkg

Social Psychology: Applied & Psychology is Social Pkg
19.63 BBD
196.25 BBD
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176.62 BBD
Sale 90% off 1 item
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Student Study Guide for use with Life-Span Development 9ed.

7.43 BBD
74.30 BBD
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66.87 BBD
Sale 90% off 1 item
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