A practical Approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution (E-Book)
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A Practical Approach to Employment Law 9th Edition
Employment law has undergone a great deal of change over the past few years; most significantly the enactment of the Equality Act 2010 and the case law that has emerged as a result have irrevocably altered the legal landscape in relation to discrimination in the workplace. These developments
have been fully explored in this new edition of A Practical Approach to Employment Law.
individual and collective employment law as it actually works today.
Key developments in this new edition include: extensive coverage of new rules and legislation such as the Equality Act 2010, the Enterprise & Regulatory Reform Act 2013, the Growth & Infrastructure Act 2013, the Trade Union Act 2016, and the new Employment Tribunal rules; as well as full
consideration of relevant case law.
The A Practical Approach series is the perfect partner for practice work. Each title focuses on one field of the law, providing a comprehensive overview of the subject together with clear, practical advice and tips on issues likely to arise in practice. The books are also an excellent resource for
those new to the law, where the expert overview and clear layout promote clarity and ease of understanding.
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Advanced Introduction to International Investment Law (Elgar Advanced Introductions)
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.
Written from a public international lawyer's perspective, this short but significant book gives a broad overview of international investment law (IIL), explaining core concepts of investment protection, their evolution, and how investment tribunals have interpreted them. It examines the main features of the prevailing investment dispute settlement system and takes into account historic antecedents and possible future developments. August Reinisch facilitates easy access to the field by putting international investment law into its broader historical, political and legal context.
Key features include:
This Advanced Introduction is an indispensable guide for students of law, political science, international relations and economics. Comprehensive and accessible, it is essential reading for lawyers, scholars and policy advisors seeking to further their understanding of international investment law.
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Advanced Legal Writing Workshop
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Alternative Dispute Resolution (E-book)
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An Introduction to International Investment Law
This insightful and accessible introduction provides students and practitioners with a comprehensive overview of the increasingly important discipline of international investment law. Focusing primarily on the legal principles contained in the growing body of international investment agreements, this book covers the core concepts of the discipline with attention given to their relation to each other and to the manner in which they have been developed through arbitration case law. The context of each legal principle is explored along with a consideration of some of the major debates and emerging criticisms. Avoiding extensive case extracts, this book adopts an engaging and succinct narrative style which allows readers to advance their understanding of the topic while examining the legal principles with academic rigour and discerning commentary.
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An Introduction to International Investment Law (e-Book)
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Black's Law Dictionary 12th Edition
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Card, Cross & Jones Criminal Law 22ed.
With a reputation for being one of the very best introductory texts on the substantive criminal law in England and Wales, Card, Cross & Jones Criminal Law remains a firm favourite with lecturers and students alike. Carefully developed coverage ensures that this textbook will support students thoughout their study, helping to advance their understanding of the key principles governing criminal law. Designed for use on undergraduate courses and diplomas in law, discussion of case law as well as hypothetical examples and key point summaries guide students through the technicalities of this fascinating area of law.
An Online Resource Centre providing web links and detailed updates at least twice a year to help students keep pace with all the latest developments in criminal law.
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Caribbean Anti-Trafficking Law and Practice
This monograph investigates the International, European and Commonwealth Caribbean approaches to human trafficking from an Analytical Eclectic perspective. It presents a compelling, empirically based argument that although there is currently a panoply of measures aimed at preventing human trafficking, prosecuting offenders and protecting trafficked victims in both Europe and the Commonwealth Caribbean, these measures have in practice been fraught with a number of challenges, whether of a normative, institutional or individual nature. The continued existence of these challenges strongly suggests that there exists a 'disconnect' between anti-trafficking law and practice which is not peculiar to small-island developing States since they also extend to developed States, including the United Kingdom. Although these challenges are not insurmountable, this monograph advances the argument that sustained social, economic, political and legal commitments are both necessary and desirable, and that without such commitments, only pyrrhic victories would be won in the fight to eradicate the scourge of the twenty-first century.
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Caribbean Anti-Trafficking Law and Practice
This monograph investigates the International, European and Commonwealth Caribbean approaches to human trafficking from an Analytical Eclectic perspective. It presents a compelling, empirically based argument that although there is currently a panoply of measures aimed at preventing human trafficking, prosecuting offenders and protecting trafficked victims in both Europe and the Commonwealth Caribbean, these measures have in practice been fraught with a number of challenges, whether of a normative, institutional or individual nature. The continued existence of these challenges strongly suggests that there exists a 'disconnect' between anti-trafficking law and practice which is not peculiar to small-island developing States since they also extend to developed States, including the United Kingdom. Although these challenges are not insurmountable, this monograph advances the argument that sustained social, economic, political and legal commitments are both necessary and desirable, and that without such commitments, only pyrrhic victories would be won in the fight to eradicate the scourge of the twenty-first century.
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Caribbean Integration Law
Caribbean Integration Law offers a comprehensive legal analysis of the current treaties and rules governing the two main regional organisations in the Caribbean, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). Both organisations are operating under
new treaties, the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas and the Revised Treaty of Basseterre, respectively, which created the CARICOM Single Market and Economy, and the OECS Economic Union. The single market and economic union were built upon principles of free movement of goods, labour, and capital, and a
common external tariff.
the increasingly active role of the Caribbean Court of Justice, which allows persons to enforce their treaty rights directly before the Court. The book offers selective comparisons to the current rules governing the European Union, and integrates crucial insights from the field of public
international law, including the law of treaties and international institutional law.
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Caribbean Private International Law
"The first edition of this text was published in two parts by Caribbean Law Publishers: Elements of private international law (2003) and Private international family law (2005)." -- Acknowledgments, page [vi].
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Casebook on Tort Law 16/E
The essential companion for undergraduate tort law students, providing a comprehensive portable library of leading cases in the field.
Digital formats and resources:
The sixteenth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources.
The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/ebooks
A selection of online resources accompany this text, including:
- Annotated links to external web resources and videos
- Downloadable annotated case judgments and statutes
- Guidance on answering problem and essay questions
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Cases & Materials on EU Law 12ed.
Cases and Materials on EU Law is a highly respected EU law text and the only cases and materials book in the field. With his clear, engaging writing style, Stephen Weatherill presents the main constitutional and substantive areas of EU law alongside the themes and principles that have shaped
the development of the EU and its policies.
to challenge understanding and encourage students to engage critically with the material.
This title is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre, providing students with extra learning materials including:
- an interactive map of Europe
- a timeline of the EU
- video footage
- a guide to further web resources
- a table of equivalences
- legal updates
- guidance for lecturers on using the book when teaching.
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Cases and Materials on EU Law 11ed.
Cases and Materials on EU Law is one of the most well-respected EU law texts available. With his clear and engaging writing style, Stephen Weatherill presents the main constitutional and substantive areas of EU law alongside the themes and principles which have shaped the development of the EU and its policies.
Online Resource Centre
Accompanied by an Online Resource Centre which features a range of resources including updates on cases and legislation since publication, an interactive map and timeline showing the development of the EU, archive video footage from the European Commission and useful web links to EU law sites. There is also a section for lecturers containing useful tips on how to make the best use of the casebook.
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Cases and Materials on EU Law 9ed.
Cases and Materials on EU Law provides a proven selection of important cases and legislation, supported by Weatherill's insightful notes and questions throughout. The book covers legislative and constitutional developments as well as the current themes and issues surrounding EU law.
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Cases and Materials on Intellectual Property /5E
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Cases and Materials on International Law 9/E - eBook
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Cheshire, North & Fawcett: Private International Law 14E
The new edition of this well-established and highly regarded work has been fully updated to encompass the major changes and developments in the law, including the newly finalized Rome II Regulation. The book is invaluable for the practitioner as well as being one of the leading students' textbooks in the field, giving comprehensive and accessible coverage of the basic principles of private international law, a popular law school option.
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Clarkson & Keating: Criminal Law: Text and Materials 9/E
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Clarkson and Keating: Criminal Law Text and Materials 9/E
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Commercial Aspects of Trusts
This volume focuses on the continuing practical importance of equity in the law today. The authors demonstrate both the impact of the law of trusts and the law of fiduciaries upon such diverse subjects as corporate and bankruptcy law, as well as the continuing need for further discussion on the relationship between equity and commercial law. In combining theoretical and practical knowledge, this volume will be interesting to professionals and scholars involved in commercial or corporate law, bankruptcy, and trusts.
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Commonwealth Caribbean Administrative Law
Commonwealth Caribbean Administrative Law comprehensively explores the nature and function of administrative law in contemporary Caribbean society.
It considers the administrative machinery of Caribbean States; Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary. It then examines the basis for judicial review of executive and administrative action in the Caribbean by looking at the statutory provisions that underpin this and the plethora of case law emerging from the region. The book will also look to how the courts in the Commonwealth Caribbean have sought to define principles of administrative law.
This book will also consider the alternative methods by which the rights of citizens are protected, including the use of tribunals and inquiries, as well as looking forward to the increasingly significant role of Caribbean Community law and bodies such as CARICOM and the OECS.
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Commonwealth Caribbean Administrative Law (e-Book)
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