-Science & Technology
A Dictionary of Genetics 7ed.
The publication of this fully updated edition of A Dictionary of Genetics coincides with the hundredth anniversary of the introduction of the term genetics by William Bateson in 1906 at the Third International Conference on Genetics. Since then genetics has made tremendous advances in knowledge and technique and now occupies a pivotal position in the life sciences as the most powerful means for probing fundamental questions in cell biology, development, and evolution. The determination of sequences of complete genomes, the study of gene expression and genetic variation on a global scale, and the ability to rapidly amplify gene sequences and to achieve targeted gene disruptions are just some examples of major achievements in this field. Proliferation of new terms inevitably accompanies such remarkable progress. This new edition of the Dictionary addresses the needs of students, educators, and clinical geneticists for an authoritative and up-to-date reference work that not only defines the latest terms, but in most cases, also presents important ancillary encyclopedic information.
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A First Course in Optimization Theory
This book introduces students to optimization theory and its use in economics and allied disciplines. The first of its three parts examines the existence of solutions to optimization problems in Rn, and how these solutions may be identified. The second part explores how solutions to optimization problems change with changes in the underlying parameters, and the last part provides an extensive description of the fundamental principles of finite- and infinite-horizon dynamic programming. A preliminary chapter and three appendices are designed to keep the book mathematically self-contained.
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A Level Computing
This new edition of the best-selling computing textbook, previously published by Letts Educational, has been revised and updated to meet the demands of the new modular Computing specifications as offered by the various examining boards from September 2000. It is divided into units which correspond to the modules of the Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level Computing offered by the AQA examining board and will be ideal for these courses. Centres using other 'A' Level Computing specifications will find that this comprehensive text covers almost all of the required topics in an accessible and 'student-friendly' way. Additional resources for teachers and students are available from the publisher's website (http://www.payne-gallway.co.uk)
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A Second Course in Probability
The 2006 INFORMS Expository Writing Award-winning and best-selling author Sheldon Ross (University of Southern California) teams up with Erol Peköz (Boston University) to bring you this textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in statistics, mathematics, engineering, finance, and actuarial science. This is a guided tour designed to give familiarity with advanced topics in probability without having to wade through the exhaustive coverage of the classic advanced probability theory books. Topics include measure theory, limit theorems, bounding probabilities and expectations, coupling and Stein's method, martingales, Markov chains, renewal theory, and Brownian motion. No other text covers all these advanced topics rigorously but at such an accessible level; all you need is calculus and material from a first undergraduate course in probability.
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ADTS, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++
Reflecting the newest trends in computer science, new and revised material throughout the Second Edition of this book places increased emphasis on abstract data types (ADTs) and object-oriented design. This book continues to offer a thorough, well-organized, and up-to-date presentation of essential principles and practices in data structures using C++. Topics include C++'s I/O and string classes, pointers and dynamic allocation, lists, array-based and linked-list implementations of stacks, queues, searching, inheritance and more. For computer professionals in companies that have computing departments or those who want advanced training in C++.
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Algae: An Introduction to Psychology
Algae are ubiquitous; a multitude of species ranging from microscopic unicells to gigantic kelps inhabit the world's oceans, freshwater bodies, soils, rocks, and trees, and are responsible for most of the global production of organic matter by photosynthesis. They thus play a fundamental role in the world's ecosystems and a reliable and modern introduction to their kaleidoscopic diversity, systematics, and phylogeny is indispensable. In this textbook, the main groups of algae (divisions or phyla) are considered in turn. Each chapter begins with a summary of the principal characteristics of the group and interesting aspects of ecology and evolution. The final chapter is a synthesis, in which the phylogeny of the algae is discussed in relation to the evolution of other living organisms, primarily on the basis of evidence from recent molecular studies. This book is the completely revised and updated edition of a highly acclaimed German work, which was heralded for its clarity as well as its breadth and depth of information. This new edition takes into account recent reevaluations in algal systematics and phylogeny provided by the powerful techniques of molecular genetics and electron microscopy, as well as more traditional life history studies. The book will be appropriate as an undergraduate text and as a reference for professionals in the field.
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An Introduction to Analysis 4/E (H/C)
This text prepares readers for fluency with analytic ideas, such as real and complex analysis, partial and ordinary differential equations, numerical analysis, fluid mechanics, and differential geometry. This book is designed to challenge advanced readers while encouraging and helping readers with weaker skills. Offering readability, practicality and flexibility, Wade presents fundamental theorems and ideas from a practical viewpoint, showing readers the motivation behind the mathematics and enabling them to construct their own proofs.
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An Introduction to Analysis 4/E ISE
For one- or two-semester junior or senior level courses in Advanced Calculus, Analysis I, or Real Analysis. This text prepares students for future courses that use analytic ideas, such as real and complex analysis, partial and ordinary differential equations, numerical analysis, fluid mechanics, and differential geometry. This book is designed to challenge advanced students while encouraging and helping weaker students. Offering readability, practicality and flexibility, Wade presents fundamental theorems and ideas from a practical viewpoint, showing students the motivation behind the mathematics and enabling them to construct their own proofs.
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An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3ed.
Many of us think nothing of taking a painkiller to ease a headache, or to relieve the symptoms of 'flu. But how do drugs have their effect in the human body? How are new drugs discovered and designed to be as effective as possible? An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry offers an engaging insight into the one field of chemistry that arguably has the greatest impact on our quality of life than any other.
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An Introduction to Spectroscopy, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding 2/E - eBook
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Analytical Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis
This title presents concepts and procedures in a manner that reflects the practice and applications of these methods in today's analytical laboratories. The fundamental principles of laboratory techniques for chemical analysis are introduced, along with issues to consider in the appropriate selection and use of these methods.
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Asking Questions in Biology: A Guide to Hypothesis Testing, Experimental Design and Presentation in Practical Work and Research Projects 5/E
The book is an indispensable companion to all students of biology, but particularly those enrolled in courses concerning experimental design, data analysis, hypothesis testing, research methods, or any practical project work.
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Beginning iPhone 3 Development
Are you a programmer looking for a new challenge? Does the thought of building your very own iPhone app make your heart race and your pulse quicken? If so, Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK is just the book for you. Updated and revised for iPhone SDK 3, many of the discussions in the original book have been clarified to make some of the more complex topics easier to understand. In addition, all of the projects have been rebuilt from scratch using the SDK 3 templates.
For the latest version of this book for Swift, see Beginning iPhone Development with Swift, ISBN 978-1-4842-0410-8. For the latest version of this book for Objective-C, see Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iOS SDK, ISBN 978-1-4842-0200-5.
Assuming only a minimal working knowledge of Objective-C, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, this book offers a complete soup-to-nuts course in iPhone and iPod touch programming. The book starts with the basics, walking you through the process of downloading and installing Apple's free iPhone SDK, and then stepping you though the creation of your first simple iPhone application. From there, you'll learn to integrate all the interface elements iPhone users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders. You'll master a variety of design patterns, from the simplest single view to complex hierarchical drill-downs. The confusing art of table building will be demystified, and you'll see how to save your data using the iPhone file system. You'll also learn how to save and retrieve your data using SQLite, iPhone's built-in database management system. In addition, you'll also learn about Core Data, an important persistence mechanism that has just been added with SDK 3.
And there's much more! You'll learn to draw using Quartz 2D and OpenGL ES, add multitouch gestural support (pinches and swipes) to your applications, and work with the camera, photo library, accelerometer, and built-in GPS. You'll discover the fine points of application preferences and learn how to localize your apps for multiple languages. You can discover more about this book, download source code, and find support forums at the book's companion site, at www.iphonedevbook.com.
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Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber: Better Collaboration for Better Software
Master BDD to deliver higher-value software more quickly
To develop high-value products quickly, software development teams need better ways to collaborate. Agile methods like Scrum and Kanban are helpful, but they're not enough. Teams need better ways to work inside each sprint or work item. Behavior-driven development (BDD) adds just enough structure for product experts, testers, and developers to collaborate more effectively.
Drawing on extensive experience helping teams adopt BDD, Richard Lawrence and Paul Rayner show how to explore changes in system behavior with examples through conversations, how to capture your examples in expressive language, and how to flow the results into effective automated testing with Cucumber. Where most BDD resources focus on test automation, this guide goes deep into how BDD changes team collaboration and what that collaboration looks like day to day. Concrete examples and practical advice will prepare you to succeed with BDD, whatever your context or role.
- Learn how to collaborate better by using concrete examples of system behavior
- Identify your project's meaningful increment of value so you're always working on something important
- Begin experimenting with BDD slowly and at low risk
- Move smoothly from informal examples to automated tests in Cucumber
- Use BDD to deliver more frequently with greater visibility
- Make Cucumber scenarios more expressive to ensure you're building the right thing
- Grow a Cucumber suite that acts as high-value living documentation
- Sustainably work with complex scenario data
- Get beyond the "mini-waterfalls" that often arise on Scrum teams
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Biological Oceanography 2ed.
This popular undergraduate textbook offers students a firm grounding in the fundamentals of biological oceanography. As well as a clear and accessible text, learning is enhanced with numerous illustrations including a colour section, thorough chapter summaries, and questions with answers and comments at the back of the book.
The comprehensive coverage of this book encompasses the properties of seawater which affect life in the ocean, classification of marine environments and organisms, phytoplankton and zooplankton, marine food webs, larger marine animals (marine mammals, seabirds and fish), life on the seafloor, and the way in which humans affect marine ecosystems.
The second edition has been thoroughly updated, including much data available for the first time in a book at this level. There is also a new chapter on human impacts - from harvesting vast amounts of fish, pollution, and deliberately or accidentally transferring marine organisms to new environments.
This book complements the Open University Oceanography Series, also published by Butterworth-Heinemann, and is a set text for the Open University third level course, S330.
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Biological Science 1 and 2 (v. 1&2)
This is the third edition of the highly successful book, Biological Science. The text has been revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage of the latest syllabuses. New material has been added in the following areas: human health and disease, microbiology and biotechnology, and the applications of genetics. Questions and practical work permeate the text and useful appendices are included covering biological chemistry, biological techniques and statistics. Biological Science is available as two soft cover volumes and as a combined volume hardback.
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Biological Science 2 3/E
This is the third edition of the highly successful book, Biological Science. The text has been revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage of the latest syllabuses. New material has been added in the following areas: human health and disease, microbiology and biotechnology, and the applications of genetics. Questions and practical work permeate the text and useful appendices are included covering biological chemistry, biological techniques and statistics. Biological Science is available as two soft cover volumes and as a combined volume hardback.
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Biology for CSEC: A Skills-based Course 4/E
A revised and rearranged fourth edition of our previously titled CXC Biology. Comprehensively covering the CSEC syllabus requirements, this full-colour edition contains carefully controlled language to make the text accessible for a wide ability range. Biology for CSEC includes questions throughout to test understanding in progressive steps and reinforces new knowledge and concepts through revision questions at the end of each chapter. This edition also incorporates many investigations throughout the text, almost all of which could be used for the assessment of practical skills, and a full apparatus list which takes into account the new guidelines on safety. A detailed contents list, a complete glossary and a comprehensive index are also included.
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Book of Data
This popular text contains physics and chemistry data suitable for all A Level Physics and Chemistry students.
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Calculus 8/E
Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart's CALCULUS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With CALCULUS, Eighth Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids will help you build your mathematical confidence and achieve your goals in the course!
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Calculus II
This is the second book of a three-volume work called "Calculus" by Jerrold Marsden and Alan Weinstein. This book is the outgrowth of the authors' experience teaching calculus at Berkeley. It covers techniques and applications of integration, infinite series, and differential equations.
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Calculus III
This book, the third of a three-volume work, is the outgrowth of the authors' experience teaching calculus at Berkeley. It is concerned with multivariable calculus, and begins with the necessary material from analytical geometry. It goes on to cover partial differention, the gradient and its applications, multiple integration, and the theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes.
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Instructors are often challenged when teaching a course such as Climatology because of the wide range of background in subject matter among the students. Climatology provides a thorough foundation in the processes contributing to the condition of the climatic system for students with little background while still providing the depth and rigor sufficient for the upper-level undergraduate or introductory-level graduate course. Beginning with an overview of climatology basics, an introduction to the atmosphere, and a discussion on climatology vs. meteorology, the authors guide students in a thorough study of advanced climatology issues. From the climatology of storms, global climatic change, and atmospheric teleconnections, topics are covered in a fresh and contemporary style. With its comprehensive approach and accessible format, Climatology will prove to be the ideal text for your course!
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Communication Systems: Analysis & Design
Using three parallel teaching approaches—rigorous mathematical, graphical, and intuitive, this book offers various types of learners a practical and deep understanding of communication systems. Emphasis on the theme of cost vs. performance tradeoffs throughout the book provides a framework and motivation for all the topics examined in it. Fundamentals of frequency domain analysis are reinforced through graphical techniques and communications-oriented examples. Chapter topics cover digital baseband modulation techniques, baseband receiver design, digital bandpass modulation and demodulation techniques, multiplexing techniques, analog-to-digital conversion, basics of information theory and data compression, and basics of error control coding. For electrical engineers interested in the field of communication systems and digital communications.
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Computer Graphics with OpenGL
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