A Dictionary of Genetics 7ed.

A Dictionary of Genetics 7ed.
86.85 BBD

The publication of this fully updated edition of A Dictionary of Genetics coincides with the hundredth anniversary of the introduction of the term genetics by William Bateson in 1906 at the Third International Conference on Genetics. Since then genetics has made tremendous advances in knowledge and technique and now occupies a pivotal position in the life sciences as the most powerful means for probing fundamental questions in cell biology, development, and evolution. The determination of sequences of complete genomes, the study of gene expression and genetic variation on a global scale, and the ability to rapidly amplify gene sequences and to achieve targeted gene disruptions are just some examples of major achievements in this field. Proliferation of new terms inevitably accompanies such remarkable progress. This new edition of the Dictionary addresses the needs of students, educators, and clinical geneticists for an authoritative and up-to-date reference work that not only defines the latest terms, but in most cases, also presents important ancillary encyclopedic information.

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Algae: An Introduction to Psychology

Algae: An Introduction to Psychology
142.25 BBD

Algae are ubiquitous; a multitude of species ranging from microscopic unicells to gigantic kelps inhabit the world's oceans, freshwater bodies, soils, rocks, and trees, and are responsible for most of the global production of organic matter by photosynthesis. They thus play a fundamental role in the world's ecosystems and a reliable and modern introduction to their kaleidoscopic diversity, systematics, and phylogeny is indispensable. In this textbook, the main groups of algae (divisions or phyla) are considered in turn. Each chapter begins with a summary of the principal characteristics of the group and interesting aspects of ecology and evolution. The final chapter is a synthesis, in which the phylogeny of the algae is discussed in relation to the evolution of other living organisms, primarily on the basis of evidence from recent molecular studies. This book is the completely revised and updated edition of a highly acclaimed German work, which was heralded for its clarity as well as its breadth and depth of information. This new edition takes into account recent reevaluations in algal systematics and phylogeny provided by the powerful techniques of molecular genetics and electron microscopy, as well as more traditional life history studies. The book will be appropriate as an undergraduate text and as a reference for professionals in the field.

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Asking Questions in Biology: A Guide to Hypothesis Testing, Experimental Design and Presentation in Practical Work and Research Projects 5/E

154.15 BBD

The book is an indispensable companion to all students of biology, but particularly those enrolled in courses concerning experimental design, data analysis, hypothesis testing, research methods, or any practical project work.

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Biological Oceanography 2ed.

Biological Oceanography 2ed.
14.87 BBD
148.65 BBD
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133.78 BBD
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This popular undergraduate textbook offers students a firm grounding in the fundamentals of biological oceanography. As well as a clear and accessible text, learning is enhanced with numerous illustrations including a colour section, thorough chapter summaries, and questions with answers and comments at the back of the book.

The comprehensive coverage of this book encompasses the properties of seawater which affect life in the ocean, classification of marine environments and organisms, phytoplankton and zooplankton, marine food webs, larger marine animals (marine mammals, seabirds and fish), life on the seafloor, and the way in which humans affect marine ecosystems.

The second edition has been thoroughly updated, including much data available for the first time in a book at this level. There is also a new chapter on human impacts - from harvesting vast amounts of fish, pollution, and deliberately or accidentally transferring marine organisms to new environments.

This book complements the Open University Oceanography Series, also published by Butterworth-Heinemann, and is a set text for the Open University third level course, S330.

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Biological Science 1 and 2 (v. 1&2)

Biological Science 1 and 2 (v. 1&2)
215.00 BBD

This is the third edition of the highly successful book, Biological Science. The text has been revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage of the latest syllabuses. New material has been added in the following areas: human health and disease, microbiology and biotechnology, and the applications of genetics. Questions and practical work permeate the text and useful appendices are included covering biological chemistry, biological techniques and statistics. Biological Science is available as two soft cover volumes and as a combined volume hardback.

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Biological Science 2 3/E

Biological Science 2 3ed.
102.65 BBD

This is the third edition of the highly successful book, Biological Science. The text has been revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage of the latest syllabuses. New material has been added in the following areas: human health and disease, microbiology and biotechnology, and the applications of genetics. Questions and practical work permeate the text and useful appendices are included covering biological chemistry, biological techniques and statistics. Biological Science is available as two soft cover volumes and as a combined volume hardback.

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Biology for CSEC: A Skills-based Course 4/E

56.20 BBD

A revised and rearranged fourth edition of our previously titled CXC Biology. Comprehensively covering the CSEC syllabus requirements, this full-colour edition contains carefully controlled language to make the text accessible for a wide ability range. Biology for CSEC includes questions throughout to test understanding in progressive steps and reinforces new knowledge and concepts through revision questions at the end of each chapter. This edition also incorporates many investigations throughout the text, almost all of which could be used for the assessment of practical skills, and a full apparatus list which takes into account the new guidelines on safety. A detailed contents list, a complete glossary and a comprehensive index are also included.

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Biology Unit 1 for CAPE Examinations

114.30 BBD

Two new titles that provide comprehensive coverage of the syllabus. Units 1 and 2 of Biology for CAPE(R) Examinations provide a comprehensive coverage of the CAPE(R) Biology syllabus. Written by highly experienced, internationally bestselling authors Mary and Geoff Jones and CAPE(R) Biology teacher and examiner Myda Ramesar, both books are in full colour and written in an accessible style. Learning objectives are presented at the beginning of each chapter, and to assist students preparing for the examination, each chapter is followed by questions in the style they will encounter on their examination papers.

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Biology Unit 2 for CAPE Examinations

114.30 BBD

Two new titles that provide comprehensive coverage of the syllabus. Biology Unit 2 for CAPE(R) Examinations has been developed to match the requirements of Unit 2 of the CAPE(R) Biology syllabus. The course provides total coverage of Unit 2 of the CAPE(R) Biology syllabus, with worked examples to help students develop their problem-solving skills. Written by best-selling authors Mary and Geoff Jones and CAPE(R) Biology teacher and examiner Myda Ramesar, this textbook is in full-colour and is written in an accessible style.

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170.25 BBD

Instructors are often challenged when teaching a course such as Climatology because of the wide range of background in subject matter among the students. Climatology provides a thorough foundation in the processes contributing to the condition of the climatic system for students with little background while still providing the depth and rigor sufficient for the upper-level undergraduate or introductory-level graduate course. Beginning with an overview of climatology basics, an introduction to the atmosphere, and a discussion on climatology vs. meteorology, the authors guide students in a thorough study of advanced climatology issues. From the climatology of storms, global climatic change, and atmospheric teleconnections, topics are covered in a fresh and contemporary style. With its comprehensive approach and accessible format, Climatology will prove to be the ideal text for your course!

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Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth

Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth
35.00 BBD

"You are about to read a lot about dirt, which no one knows very much about." So begins the cult classic that brings mystery and magic to "that stuff that won't come off your collar."

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Saint Phocas, Darwin, and Virgil parade through this thought-provoking work, taking their place next to the dung beetle, the compost heap, dowsing, historical farming, and the microscopic biota that till the soil. Whether William Bryant Logan is traversing the far reaches of the cosmos or plowing through our planet's crust, his delightful, elegant, and surprisingly soulful meditations greatly enrich our concept of "dirt," that substance from which we all arise and to which we all must return.

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Earth Science 14ed.

256.85 BBD
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Elements of Cartography 63

Elements of Cartography 63
124.65 BBD

Recognized as the classic resource in cartography, this text continues to integrate the latest modern technology with traditional cartographic principles. The balanced author team provides a solid conceptual foundation in the basic principles of cartography while introducing the newest technological advances which have greatly altered modern cartographic techniques. New features include a complete updating of topical data and a shift in emphasis from small-scale to all-scale maps.'' Systematic coverage is given to both theory and applications with all basic mapmaking tools presented including formulas, tables and constants.

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Environmental Microbiology

Environmental Microbiology
16.11 BBD
161.10 BBD
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144.99 BBD
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This well-referenced, inquiry-driven text presents an up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of the emerging field of environmental microbiology.

  • Coherent and comprehensive treatment of the dynamic, emerging field of environmental microbiology
  • Emphasis on real-world habitats and selective pressures experienced by naturally occurring microorganisms
  • Case studies and "Science and the Citizen" features relate issues in the public's mind to the underlying science
  • Unique emphasis on current methodologies and strategies for conducting environmental microbiological research, including methods, logic, and data interpretation
  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Environmental Physiology of Plants 3ed.

    Environmental Physiology of Plants 3ed.
    139.40 BBD

    This is the third edition of an established and successful university textbook. The original structure and philosophy of the book continue in this new edition, providing a genuine synthesis of modern ecological and physiological thinking, while entirely updating the detailed content. New features include a fresh, unified treatment of toxicity, emphasizing common features of plant response to ionic, gaseous, and other toxins, explicit treatment of issues relating to global change, and a section on the role of fire in plant physiology and communities. The illustrations in the text are improved over previous editions, including color plates for the first time, and the authors' continuing commitment to providing wide citation of the relevant literature has further improved the reference list. This revision of Environmental Physiology of Plants will ensure the reputation of this title as a useful and relevant text well into the 21st century.

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    How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper 3/E

    How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper 3/E
    60.30 BBD

    This compact and easy-to-read book contains essential advice on how to take a manuscript from planning right through to publication. It will help both first-time writers and more experienced authors to present their results more effectively. While retaining the easy-to-read and well-structured approach of previous editions, the third edition of this essential guide has been expanded to include comprehensive advice on drawing graphs, and information about Open Access publishing. Illustrations are discussed in detail, with examples of poor illustrations taken from real papers in top-ranked journals, redrawn for comparison. Such before-and-after examples are also provided to demonstrate good and bad writing styles. The reader is offered practical advice - from how to present a paper and where to submit the manuscript, through to responding to reviewers' comments and correcting the proofs - all developed through the author's extensive teaching experience and his many years spent working as a journal editor.

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    Introductory Mycology 4ed.

    Introductory Mycology 4ed.
    104.10 BBD

    Updated and revised to accurately reflect what is currently known about the biology of fungi. The primary thrust of the book is morphology-taxonomy, but also includes interesting and important activities of fungi.

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    Marine Biology 6ed.

    Marine Biology 6ed.
    15.50 BBD
    155.00 BBD
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    139.50 BBD
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    *0-8053-4582-5, Nybakken, James and Bertness, Mark, Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach, Sixth Edition//--> Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach, Sixth Edition approaches the subject of marine biology by emphasizing the ecological principles that govern marine life throughout all ocean environments and by acknowledging the differences between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This unique approach adds real-world relevance by exploring how organisms interact within their individual ecosystems while also focusing on the significance of human impact on the sea. Marine Environments, Plankton Communities, Oceanic Nekton, Deep-Sea Biology, Shallow-Water Subtidal Benthic Associations, Intertidal Ecology, Meiofauna, Estuaries and Salt Marches, Tropical Communities, Symbiotic Relationships, Human Impact on the Sea For all readers interested in marine biology and marine ecology.

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    Modern Mycology

    Modern Mycology
    71.95 BBD

    Modern Mycology is an established text that continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to fungi--a group of organisms distinct from all other forms of life. It will appeal to undergraduate students taking courses in microbiology, mycology and biology. This edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the many exciting developments in the field; notably, those relating to understanding fungal cell biology and the application of fungal molecular genetics. The author maintains the tradition of clarity and accessibility set by previous editions, and the text is extensively illustrated with photographs and diagrams.

    In keeping with modern teaching methods, this textbook adopts a functional approach and emphasizes the behaviour, physiology, activities and practical significance of fungi. The book contains extensive sections on the fungal pathogens of plants, animals and humans; the roles of fungi in major environmental processes; and the use of fungi as biological control agents of pests and pathogens.

  • Essential reading for undergraduate students taking courses in microbiology and mycology.
  • Fully revised and updated to reflect the many exciting new developments in the field, notably those relating to an understanding of fungal cell biology and the application of fungal molecular genetics.
  • Adopts a functional approach in keeping with modern teaching methods.
  • Maintains tradition of clarity and accessibility set by previous editions.
  • Extensively illustrated with photographs (including colour) and diagrams.
  • ISBN/SKU: 
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    Neanderthals, Bandits and Farmers

    Neanderthals, Bandits and Farmers
    51.90 BBD

    Colin Tudge overturns the traditional view that farming began in the Middle East 10,000 years ago, quickly led to the Neolithic farming revolution, and ended the hunting-gathering lifestyle. Agriculture in some form had been practiced for thousands of years before that, Tudge argues. Neolithic farming was not the beginning of agriculture but the beginning of agriculture on a large scale, in one place, with refined tools.

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    Practical Skills in Biology 4ed.

    Practical Skills in Biology 4ed.
    46.63 BBD
    93.25 BBD
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    46.62 BBD
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    This is a new edition of a leading biology textbook dealing in a practical way with fundamental laboratory techniques, specimens and data analysis.

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    Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    94.92 BBD
    135.60 BBD
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    40.68 BBD
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    This best-selling undergraduate textbook provides an introduction to key experimental techniques from across the biosciences. It uniquely integrates the theories and practices that drive the fields of biology and medicine, comprehensively covering both the methods students will encounter in lab classes and those that underpin recent advances and discoveries. Its problem-solving approach continues with worked examples that set a challenge and then show students how the challenge is met. New to this edition are case studies, for example, that illustrate the relevance of the principles and techniques to the diagnosis and treatment of individual patients. Coverage is expanded to include a section on stem cells, chapters on immunochemical techniques and spectroscopy techniques, and additional chapters on drug discovery and development, and clinical biochemistry. Experimental design and the statistical analysis of data are emphasised throughout to ensure students are equipped to successfully plan their own experiments and examine the results obtained.

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    Principles of Ecology in Plant Production (Modular Texts) 2/E

    Principles of Ecology in Plant Production (Modular Texts) 2ed.
    151.55 BBD

    Production of food fiber and fuel is vital for humanity, and as the world population continues to rise, demands on these resources is ever increasing. In a context of growing worldwide concern about sustainability and environmental impacts of cropland, grassland and forestry practices, this textbook provides an introduction to the processes that define the ecology and environment of plant production. Core principles are examined such as soil-plant relationships, genetic manipulation and diversity, yield and water requirements, as well as physical factors such as solar radiation, temperature and weather. This edition is fully updated with new chapters on climate change and biofuels.

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    Proteins: Structure & Function

    Proteins: Structure & Function
    223.40 BBD

    Einen hervorragenden Uberblick uber Strukturen und Funktionen von Proteinen bietet Ihnen dieser Band, der insbesondere fur Studenten unterer Semester konzipiert ist. Der Autor arbeitet die Bedeutung der Proteine und der Proteinfaltung in der Biochemie anschaulich heraus und hilft Ihnen damit, eine solide Grundlage fur speziellere Studien zu schaffen. Vom zugehorigen Webserver konnen animierte Proteinstrukturen und Ubungsaufgaben mit Losungen abgerufen werden; au?erdem finden Sie dort Links zu Proteindatenbanken und anderen einschlagigen Webseiten.

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    Referencing and Understanding Plagiarism (Pocket Study Skills)

    Referencing and Understanding Plagiarism (Pocket Study Skills)
    30.45 BBD

    Referencing & Understanding Plagiarism is an engaging and easy-to-read guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism, using clear explanations and examples.

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