An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry 3ed.
Many of us think nothing of taking a painkiller to ease a headache, or to relieve the symptoms of 'flu. But how do drugs have their effect in the human body? How are new drugs discovered and designed to be as effective as possible? An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry offers an engaging insight into the one field of chemistry that arguably has the greatest impact on our quality of life than any other.
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An Introduction to Spectroscopy, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding 2/E - eBook
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Analytical Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis
This title presents concepts and procedures in a manner that reflects the practice and applications of these methods in today's analytical laboratories. The fundamental principles of laboratory techniques for chemical analysis are introduced, along with issues to consider in the appropriate selection and use of these methods.
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Book of Data
This popular text contains physics and chemistry data suitable for all A Level Physics and Chemistry students.
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Environmental Chemistry 2E
Guiding us through the chemical composition of the three key environmental systems--the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and terrestrial environment--the authors explain the chemical processes which occur within and between each system. Focusing on general principles, we are introduced to the essential chemical concepts which underpin an understanding of the air, water, and soil and how they behave; careful explanations ensure that clarity is not sacrificed at the expense of thorough coverage of the underlying chemistry.
We then see how human activity continues to affect the chemical behavior of these environmental systems, and what the consequences of these natural processes being disturbed can be.
Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective takes chemistry out of the laboratory and shows us its importance in the world around us. With illuminating examples from around the globe, its rich pedagogy, and broad, carefully structured coverage, this book is the perfect resource for any environmental chemistry student wishing to develop a thorough understanding of their subject.
Supplementary Resources
RGCompanion website featuring downloadable illustrations
BLSolutions manual
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Environmental Chemistry 4/E
Global warming. Renewable energy. Hazardous waste. Carbon footprints. These and other environmental topics are being discussed and debated more vigorously than ever. Colin Baird and Michael Cann's Environmental Chemistry is the only textbook that explores the chemical processes and properties underlying these crucial issues at an accessible, introductory level (only general chemistry is a prerequisite).
With authoritative coverage that balances soil, water, and air chemistry, the new edition again focuses on the environmental impacts of chemical production and experimentation, offering additional "green chemistry" sections and new case studies, plus updated coverage of instrumental analysis, farming applications, bioengineering, and biotechnology.
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Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 8/E
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Inorganic Spectroscopic Methods (Oxford Chemistry Primers)
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Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments 7/E
Succeed in your organic laboratory course with MACROSCALE AND MICROSCALE ORGANIC EXPERIMENTS, Seventh Edition. This proven, authoritative manual emphasizes safety and features new themed Modules experiments with real world applications. Using the manual's mix of macroscale and microscale experiments, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence you need to perform a wide variety of experiments, as well as experience working with conventionally-sized glassware.
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Microscale Inorganic Chemistry
This text is intended to provide students with instruction and valuable laboratory experience in the often neglected area of inorganic chemistry. Divided into four main parts, the book covers chemistry of the main group elements, chemistry of the transition metals, organometallic chemistry, and bioinorganic chemistry. Recognizing the high cost of materials, difficulties in waste disposal, and dangers of toxicity, the authors have adopted a ``microscale'' approach to experiments in the book, thereby also reducing the time students spend in preparation. With over 45 experiments, Microscale Inorganic Chemistry incorporates the use of a broad sampling of elements and also covers such topics as laboratory safety, equipment, report writing, and literature searching.
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Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry
" important contribution to the understanding of biochemical systems." Cell Biochemistry and Function "Lippard and Berg's book should be very useful at academic institutions offering coursework in bioinorganic chemistry. Their style of writing and the book's format are perfect for that audience." Science and Technology (Chemistry)
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Secondary Metabolism 2ed.
This book is concerned with the biosynthesis, biological activity, and ecological significance of secondary metabolites (natural products).These include alcaloids such as morphine, steroids like cholesterol, and antibiotics like the penicillins. The author considers each of the major classes of secondary metabolites according to the basic 'building blocks' from which they are derived and highlights the pharmacological and toxicological properties of compounds found in insects, plants, and microorganisms. The final chapter explores the possible ecological significance of these products. The second edition incorporates new material on the isolation and characterization of the enzymes of secondary metabolism and on the new NMR techniques which have revolutionized the elucidation of biosynthetic pathways. The book is important reading for advanced undergraduates and graduates in chemistry, biochemistry, and botany, as well as researchers in the pharmaceutical industry.
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Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis 3ed.
The third edition of this well-known textbook discusses some modern methods used in organic synthesis, and aims to show the value and scope of these methods and how they are used in the synthesis of complex molecules. The general plan of the book follows that of the second edition, but the opportunity has been taken to bring the book up to date and to take account of advances in knowledge and of new reactions which have come into use since publication of the earlier editions. Particular emphasis is placed on highly stereoselective organic chemistry, including stereoselective alkylations, aldol reactions, oxidations, epoxidations and reductions. New methods for the stereoselective formation of carbon-carbon double bonds, and modern application reactions are also fully considered. The book will be of use to students of chemistry and biochemistry at graduate and senior undergraduate level. It will also interest practising scientists in industry and research establishments who wish to familiarise themselves with modern synthetic methods.
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Statistical Thermodynamics (Oxford Chemistry Primers) 2/E
The renowned Oxford Chemistry Primers series, which provides focused introductions to a range of important topics in chemistry, has been refreshed and updated to suit the needs of today's students, lecturers, and postgraduate researchers. The rigorous, yet accessible, treatment of each subject area is ideal for those wanting a primer in a given topic to prepare them for more advanced study or research.
Statistical Thermodynamics gives a concise and accessible account of this fundamental topic by emphasizing the underlying physical chemistry, and using this to introduce the mathematics in an approachable way. The material is presented in short, self-contained sections, making it flexible to teach and learn from, and concludes with the application of the theory to real systems.
The Online Resource Center to accompany Statistical Thermodynamics features:
For Instructors:
*Figures from the book available to download
For students:
*Worked solutions to the questions and problems at the end of the book
*Multiple-choice questions for self-directed learning
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The Department of Chemistry, UWI, Mona
The Department of Chemistry, UWI, Mona is an account of the history of the most prominent department for at least the first two decades at the Mona Campus. Sir Roy Augier qualifies this declaration in his foreword by highlighting the quality of teaching, high-level research which has impacted public policy and the number of postgraduate students produced. The book paints a vivid picture of the founding of the University College of the West Indies, the struggles, the debates and the victories the appointment of West Indians to the academic staff being one such triumph.
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