Beginning iPhone 3 Development
Are you a programmer looking for a new challenge? Does the thought of building your very own iPhone app make your heart race and your pulse quicken? If so, Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK is just the book for you. Updated and revised for iPhone SDK 3, many of the discussions in the original book have been clarified to make some of the more complex topics easier to understand. In addition, all of the projects have been rebuilt from scratch using the SDK 3 templates.
For the latest version of this book for Swift, see Beginning iPhone Development with Swift, ISBN 978-1-4842-0410-8. For the latest version of this book for Objective-C, see Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iOS SDK, ISBN 978-1-4842-0200-5.
Assuming only a minimal working knowledge of Objective-C, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, this book offers a complete soup-to-nuts course in iPhone and iPod touch programming. The book starts with the basics, walking you through the process of downloading and installing Apple's free iPhone SDK, and then stepping you though the creation of your first simple iPhone application. From there, you'll learn to integrate all the interface elements iPhone users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders. You'll master a variety of design patterns, from the simplest single view to complex hierarchical drill-downs. The confusing art of table building will be demystified, and you'll see how to save your data using the iPhone file system. You'll also learn how to save and retrieve your data using SQLite, iPhone's built-in database management system. In addition, you'll also learn about Core Data, an important persistence mechanism that has just been added with SDK 3.
And there's much more! You'll learn to draw using Quartz 2D and OpenGL ES, add multitouch gestural support (pinches and swipes) to your applications, and work with the camera, photo library, accelerometer, and built-in GPS. You'll discover the fine points of application preferences and learn how to localize your apps for multiple languages. You can discover more about this book, download source code, and find support forums at the book's companion site, at www.iphonedevbook.com.
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Communication Systems: Analysis & Design
Using three parallel teaching approaches—rigorous mathematical, graphical, and intuitive, this book offers various types of learners a practical and deep understanding of communication systems. Emphasis on the theme of cost vs. performance tradeoffs throughout the book provides a framework and motivation for all the topics examined in it. Fundamentals of frequency domain analysis are reinforced through graphical techniques and communications-oriented examples. Chapter topics cover digital baseband modulation techniques, baseband receiver design, digital bandpass modulation and demodulation techniques, multiplexing techniques, analog-to-digital conversion, basics of information theory and data compression, and basics of error control coding. For electrical engineers interested in the field of communication systems and digital communications.
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Fundamentals of Communications Systems
This book introduces the basic techniques used in modern communication systems and provides fundamental tools and methodologies used in the analysis and design of these systems. The authors emphasize digital communication systems - the backbone of modern communication systems - including new generations of wireless communication systems, satellite communications, and data transmission networks. Discusses traditional analog communication systems. Reviews the background material needed in two separate chapters at the end of the book. Provides computer problems in each chapter that require MATLAB to solve. Offers a large number of problems in varying levels of difficulty at the end of each chapter. Features many worked examples throughout. Includes two separate chapters on Information Theory and Coding to give sufficient emphasis to these key topics. A useful reference for practicing engineers.
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Mobile and Wireless Communications
'Mobile and Wireless Communications' provides an understanding of the mobile information society, offering a technical introduction for non-scientists. It uses a range of case studies and examples of mobile and wireless communication, legislation and practices from the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Far East and Australia.
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PIC Microcontroller Project Book 2/E
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This completely updated version of the best-selling PiC Microcontroller Project Book boasts updated software, many new projects, and comprehensive coverage of the new PIC Basic Pro version of the controller
The PIC microcontroller is enormously popular both in the U.S. and abroad. The first edition of this book was a tremendous success because of that. However, in the 4 years that have passed since the book was first published, the electronics hobbyist market has become more sophisticated. Many users of the PIC are now comfortable shelling out the $250 for the price of the Professional version of the PIC Basic (the regular version sells for $100). This new edition is fully updated and revised to include detailed directions on using both versions of the microcontroller, with no-nonsense recommendations on which is better served in different situations.
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Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller 3/E
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Tap into the latest advancements in PIC technology with the fully revamped Third Edition of McGraw-Hill's Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller. Long known as the subject's definitive text, this indispensable volume comes packed with more than 600 illustrations, and provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the PIC microcontroller's hardware and software schemes.
With 100 experiments, projects, and libraries, you get a firm grasp of PICs, how they work, and the ins-and-outs of their most dynamic applications. Written by renowned technology guru Myke Predko, this updated edition features a streamlined, more accessible format, and delivers:
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