-Social Sciences
A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge 4ed.
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)Fourth Edition continues the tradition of excellence in project management with a standard that is even easier to understand and implement, with improved consistency and greater clarification. Whats new? * Standard language has been incorporated throughout the document to aid reader understanding. * New data flow diagrams clarify inputs and outputs for each process. * Greater attention has been placed on how Knowledge Areas integrate in the context of Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, and Closing process groups. * Two new processes are featured: Identify Stakeholders and Collect Requirements. Start meeting your standards for better project performance.
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A History of Western Political Thought
An energetic, engaged and lucid account of the most important political thinkers and enduring themes of the last two and a half millenia. McClelland presents original and controversial views of both canonical and neglected theorists.
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A New Perspective on Poverty in the Caribbean
A New Perspective on Poverty in the Caribbean reflects on the current approaches to the challenge of poverty reduction in the context of the findings of the qualitative and quantitative analyses and identifies some critical ingredients for successful poverty-reduction interventions around which a regional consensus could be built. The role and nature of participation, the policy environment for social services delivery are considered along with specific poverty reduction interventions and the general approach to poverty reduction in the Caribbean.
A New Perspective on Poverty in the Caribbean reflects on the current approaches to the challenge of poverty reduction in the context of the findings of the qualitative and quantitative analyses and identifies some critical ingredients for successful poverty-reduction interventions around which a regional consensus could be built. The role and nature of participation, the policy environment for social services delivery are considered along with specific poverty reduction interventions and the general approach to poverty reduction in the Caribbean.
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Access: Introduction to Travel and Tourism
Practical and easy to understand, the second edition of ACCESS: INTRODUCTION TO TRAVEL AND TOURISM is designed to prepare you for a successful career in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. This edition has been updated to include new content and expanded topics in order to ensure that you understand all facets of the travel business. With updated coverage of technology, new profiles of industry leaders, additional activities, refined graphics and full- color photos, this concise text provides you with a wealth of practical information designed to help you refine your research skills, respond to real-world scenarios, identify key concepts, and remember critical information.
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Accounting Information Systems 12ed.
The most comprehensive and flexible coverage of AIS.
The market-leading book that delivers the most comprehensive and flexible coverage of the four major approaches to teaching AIS. Accounting Information Systems also allows instructors to easily reorder chapters and focus the material to suit their course.
The twelfth edition covers all recent developments in AIS and how it has changed the roles of an accountant.
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Advocacy in the Human Service
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Aids In The Twenty-First Century
Essential reading for social and medical scientists and all those interested in infectious diseases and public health, AIDS and the Twenty-First Century examines the social and economic origins and impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. HIV/AIDS is not only a medical problem. It is an indication of the scale of the global crisis in public health. Accessibly written, this book is necessary reading for policymakers, students and all those who are concerned about the relationship between poverty, inequality and infectious diseases.
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Alternate Views: Barbados Economic Road To Republic
This is an extraordinary presentation of research and analysis related to the Barbadian economy from 2018 to November 2021 when Barbados declared itself a Republic.
This educational and highly informative publication is an excellent tool for budding economists, politicians, public servants and the general public who desire an understanding of Barbados' economy in this modern era.
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An Introduction to Politics: Lectures for First Year Students/3E
This introduction to politics is designed for first-year students in social sciences and for the general reader interested in the basics of contemporary politic. The text's various sections and lecture summaries deal with the important areas of political science, different systems of democratic government, the fall of communism and post-communist politics, as well as issues in Caribbean politics such as globalization, constitutional reform and regional integration.
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Analysis of Financial Time Series 2ed.
Provides statistical tools and techniques needed to understand today's financial markets
The Second Edition of this critically acclaimed text provides a comprehensive and systematic introduction to financial econometric models and their applications in modeling and predicting financial time series data. This latest edition continues to emphasize empirical financial data and focuses on real-world examples. Following this approach, readers will master key aspects of financial time series, including volatility modeling, neural network applications, market microstructure and high-frequency financial data, continuous-time models and Ito's Lemma, Value at Risk, multiple returns analysis, financial factor models, and econometric modeling via computation-intensive methods.
The author begins with the basic characteristics of financial time series data, setting the foundation for the three main topics:
- Analysis and application of univariate financial time series
- Return series of multiple assets
- Bayesian inference in finance methods
This new edition is a thoroughly revised and updated text, including the addition of S-Plus® commands and illustrations. Exercises have been thoroughly updated and expanded and include the most current data, providing readers with more opportunities to put the models and methods into practice. Among the new material added to the text, readers will find:
- Consistent covariance estimation under heteroscedasticity and serial correlation
- Alternative approaches to volatility modeling
- Financial factor models
- State-space models
- Kalman filtering
- Estimation of stochastic diffusion models
The tools provided in this text aid readers in developing a deeper understanding of financial markets through firsthand experience in working with financial data. This is an ideal textbook for MBA students as well as a reference for researchers and professionals in business and finance.
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Analytical Skills for Community Organization Practice
This guide promotes the use of analytical skills in community organization practice, including information gathering and processing, legislative research, needs assessment, participatory action research, political analysis, population forecasting and social indicator analysis, power analysis, program development and planning, resource development, budgeting, and grant writing, . These analytical methods, often used in practice but seldom systematically discussed, assist the practitioner in identifying community problems, planning interventions, and conducting evaluations. The text explicates a problem-solving model that identifies concepts and theories underlying practice, methods for problem identification and assessment, and techniques for goal setting, implementation, and evaluation. It features extensive listings of Web sites for community organization practice and is dedicated to the idea that the community organizer, to be truly effective, must be prepared to be an active learner.
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Applying International Accounting Standards
Applying International Accounting Standards is an exciting new textbook written to meet the needs of accounting students and practitioners in understanding the complexities and applying the stable platform of International Accounting Standards. It does not cover all International Accounting Standards, concentrating on those that are not related to specific industries. The text offers a step-by-step introduction to the financial reporting procedures outlined within the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). With the inception of the IFRS on 1 January 2005, students studying accounting will need to possess a thorough conceptual and practical understanding of the new financial reporting requirements contained within the majority of the 41 IFRS.
The focus of this text is on the interpretation, analysis, illustration and application of the scope and purpose of the new financial reporting processes of the IFRS. As the financial reporting environment will be new to most from January 2005, each chapter contains numerous illustrative examples to ensure that the student gains a deep understanding of all the reporting requirements under the respective IFRS. This textbook has been written for intermediate and advance financial reporting courses, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, and aligns with the knowledge expectations of the accounting profession.
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Aspects of Financial Liberalisation and Capital Market Development in the Carib
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Auditing and Assurance Services 16/E
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Banking in Small States: The Case of Caribbean Commercial Banks
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Barbadian HR Best Practices 2010
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Beyond Indentureship, Indo -Trinidadian Entrepreneurs
This book is a tribute to the unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit of Indo-Trinidadian families. It highlights 33 family-owned businesses that have overcome extreme poverty and transformed not only their own lives but also the socio-economic landscape of Trinidad and Tobago. These businesses have ignited economic activities, established thriving communities, and turned rural villages into sustainable commercial and industrial centers. From being brought as laborers on agricultural estates, they have now become the largest employer in the service sector and have grown into profitable, sustainable multinationals that operate across various sectors and build global brands. Their significant contribution to the growth and development of Trinidad and Tobago is undeniable, and their achievements are worth celebrating.
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British Politics 4ed.
Comprehensively rewritten and updated to provide a concise but definitive introduction to British politics and government after more than five years of new Labour government. As well as according greater attention to the growing role of the European Union
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Building Strategic Compensation Systems Student Manual for Strategic...
The teaching and learning accessories are designed to promote a positive experience for both instructors and students. University of Illinois doctoral candidate Niti Pandey developed the teaching and learning aids for Strategic Compensation. In addition, David Barcelona and I prepared an experiential case simulation (available from Prentice Hall at www.prenhall.com/martocchio) titled Building Strategic Compensation Systems to accompany this textbook. This simulation will allow students to develop a strategic compensation plan in four stages, and apply core knowledge about compensation systems explained in the Strategic Compensation textbook.
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Business Law 3/E
Business Law offers comprehensive coverage of the key aspects of business law that is easy to understand for both law and non-law students.
Established legal topics such as the English Legal System, Contract, Consumer, Company and Employment Law, as well as emerging areas such as Health and Safety and Environmental Law, are considered as they apply to business. This edition also includes coverage of the now essential field of Intellectual Property, written by Janice Denoncourt.
The work has been thoroughly updated to include all the recent major developments in the law, such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 together with important cases that have been decided in the period since the last edition. Mention, of course is made of Brexit, although as yet its outcome and consequences remain uncertain.
Key learning features include:
Business Law offers a topical overview of this subject in an accessible style suited to both law and business studies undergraduates.
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Business Research Methods
This best-selling text continues in its seventh edition to provide the most current and comprehensive coverage of business research. Its student-friendly design contains numerous examples illustrating real-world research in management, marketing, finance, accounting, and other business areas. Business Research Methods, 7e, is the ideal text for undergraduate and first year MBA courses in marketing, management, or quantitative studies.
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Caribbean Case Studies In Auditing
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Caribbean Challenges
The presentations compiled in this volume offer important philosophical insights into a number of critical issues facing the Caribbean region.
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Caribbean Childhoods: 'Outside', 'Adopted' or 'Left Behind'
Studies of the experience of Caribbean childhood have, in the past, been undertaken almost exclusively from the perspective of adults rather than that of the children themselves. In this work, Christine Barrow departs from that tradition by focusing on the views of children as participants. The result is a fresh perspective on childhood and growing up that is different from those of parents, guardians and adults in general. The core of the study is based on the childhood narratives of some 28 men and women organised around a range of themes including migration, informal adoption and abandonment.
"Studies of the experience of Caribbean childhood have, in the past, been undertaken almost exclusively from the perspective of adults rather than that of the children themselves. In this work, Christine Barrow departs from that tradition by focusing on the views of children as participants. The result is a fresh perspective on childhood and growing up that is different from those of parents, guardians and adults in general. The core of the study is based on the childhood narratives of 28 men and women organised around a range of themes including migration, informal adoption and abandonment. These narratives provide fresh insights into the complex lives of children as well as alternative views of commonly accepted notions such as the two-parent family being the ideal, in comparison to the reality of families not purely formed by blood relation. Caribbean Childhoods adds a new dimension to our understanding of the rich diversity of Caribbean families and the context in which many children are raised. It is a useful guide for social workers, teachers and anyone else seeking to understand Caribbean youth. "
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Caribbean Community: The Struggle for Survival
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