A History of Western Political Thought

A History of Western Political Thought
77.90 BBD

An energetic, engaged and lucid account of the most important political thinkers and enduring themes of the last two and a half millenia. McClelland presents original and controversial views of both canonical and neglected theorists.

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An Introduction to Politics: Lectures for First Year Students/3E

An Introduction to Politics: Lectures for First Year Students/3E
72.45 BBD

This introduction to politics is designed for first-year students in social sciences and for the general reader interested in the basics of contemporary politic. The text's various sections and lecture summaries deal with the important areas of political science, different systems of democratic government, the fall of communism and post-communist politics, as well as issues in Caribbean politics such as globalization, constitutional reform and regional integration.

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British Politics 4ed.

British Politics 4ed.
97.30 BBD

Comprehensively rewritten and updated to provide a concise but definitive introduction to British politics and government after more than five years of new Labour government. As well as according greater attention to the growing role of the European Union

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Caribbean Challenges

Caribbean Challenges
40.00 BBD

The presentations compiled in this volume offer important philosophical insights into a number of critical issues facing the Caribbean region.

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Caribbean Political Thought: The Colonial State to Caribbean Internationalism

Caribbean Political Thought: The Colonial State to Caribbean Internationalism
107.15 BBD

Caribbean Political Thought: The Colonial State toCaribbean Internationalisms uncovers, collects and reflects on the wealth of political thought produced in the Caribbean region. It traces the political thought of the Caribbean from the debate between Bartolome de Las Casas and Gines de Sepulveda on the categorization of Native people in the New World, through the Haitian Revolution, to the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. The ideas of revolutionaries and intellectuals are counterposed with manifestos, constitutional excerpts and speeches to give a view of the range of political options, questions, and immense choices that have faced the region's people over the last 500 years. Includes Contributions from: Laurent Dubois and John D. Garrius Trevor Munroe Jean-Jacques Dessalines Aviva Chomsky, Barry Carr and Pamela Maria Smorkaloff Amy Jacques Garvey Dantes Bellegarde Jacques Roumain W. Burghart Turner and Joyce Moore Turner Fidel Castro Walter Rodney Maurice Bishop Sylvia Wynter Gordon Lewis Anthony Bogues Hilary Beckles Bechu Roy Augier David Scott Antenor Firmin Jose Marti J.J. Thomas Hubert Harrison Marcus Garvey Rhoda Reddock Pedro Albizu Campos George Padmore Suzanne Cesaire Aime Cesaire Claudia Jones Cheddi Jagan Lloyd Best Frantz Fanon C.L.R. James Che Guevara Lewis R. Gordon"

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Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State

Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State
120.55 BBD

Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State reckons with the vast body of radical work and thought on the post-colonial Caribbean state. It focuses on the period after the Second World War, when a significant number of Caribbean countries gained their independence, and the character of the region's post-colonial politics had become clear. The survey of political thought in this collection is divided into four sections: theories of the post-colonial state, theorizing post-colonial citizenship, Caribbean regionalism and political culture. Includes contributions from: Walter Rodney Ernesto Sagas Percy Hintzen Michel-Rolph Trouillot Carl Stone Brian Meeks CY Thomas George Danns M. Jacqui Alexander Norman Girvan George Belle Eudine Barriteau Hilbourne Watson Tracy Robinson Obika Gray Patricia Mohammed Charles Mills C.L.R. James Frantz Fanon Stuart Hall Edouard Glissant Archie Singham Eric Williams Rupert Lewis Jack Dahomay George Lamming Erna Brodber Sylvia Wynter Arthur Lewis Patsy Lewis Havelock R.H. Ross-Brewster"

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Civil Society Organisations, Governance and the Caribbean Community

Civil Society Organisations, Governance and the Caribbean Community
200.70 BBD

Employs an interpretative methodology and incorporates several case studies, including Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and St. Lucia
Fills a gap in the existing literature on Caribbean regional integration and Caribbean governance, by providing an comprehensive analysis of the role of non-state actors
Asserts that both regional and domestic decision-making mechanisms require renovation so that they can better respond to the needs of the people of the region

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Crippled Giant: Nigeria Since Independence

Crippled Giant: Nigeria Since Independence
90.70 BBD
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Development Administration Jamaican Adaptations

52.75 BBD
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Digital Government

Digital Government
80.35 BBD

Few developments have had broader consequences for the public sector than the introduction of the Internet and digital technology. In this book, Darrell West discusses how new technology is altering governmental performance, the political process, and democracy itself by improving government responsiveness and increasing information available to citizens.

Using multiple methods--case studies, content analysis of over 17,000 government Web sites, public and bureaucrat opinion survey data, an e-mail responsiveness test, budget data, and aggregate analysis--the author presents the most comprehensive study of electronic government ever undertaken. Among other topics, he looks at how much change has taken place in the public sector, what determines the speed and breadth of e-government adoption, and what the consequences of digital technology are for the public sector.

Written in a clear and analytical manner, this book outlines the variety of factors that have restricted the ability of policy makers to make effective use of new technology. Although digital government offers the potential for revolutionary change, social, political, and economic forces constrain the scope of transformation and prevent government officials from realizing the full benefits of interactive technology.

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Gender in Third World Politics

Gender in Third World Politics
138.95 BBD

This book puts forward a gendered analysis of third world politics. It uses a wide definition of the political to examine both 'high politics' and political activity at the grassroots, focussing particularly on women's organizations. It also examines the impact of policy and politics on gender relations and on different groups of women. After a general discussion of the major theoretical questions involved in the study of gender in third world politics, and the nature of the third world and development, the analysis is developed through the indepth study of different political formations. These are colonialism, revolution, authoritarianism, and democracy and democratization and uses examples from much of the third world. Gender in Third World Politics * is the only book to provide comprehensive coverage of gender in third world politics * provides a gendered analysis of both 'high politics' and different women's political activity at the grassroots * weaves together material from a wide range of disciplines such as politics, sociology, history, development studies and women's studies

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General Elections and Voting in the English-Speaking Caribbean

General Elections and Voting in the English-Speaking Caribbean
59.30 BBD

"General Elections and Voting in the English-Speaking Caribbean, 1992-2005 provides a historical description and analytical account of elections and election processes in the Commonwealth Caribbean in the six decades since the introduction of Universal Adult Suffrage in the region. The Book studies the first decade of the twenty-first century and includes countries like Anguilla, The Bahamas, Belize and Guyana whose electoral records have not previously been accessible in a single source for the purpose of historical and comparative analysis. However, the work goes further in updating the story of Caribbean elections, political parties and the overall democratic experience, the authors address new and emerging issues including Political Party Financing, Women and Electoral Politics, Caribbean Governance and the overall effectiveness and suitability of the Westminster Model for all the territories of the region. Comprehensive, up to date and current, General Elections and Voting in the English Speaking Caribbean is a valuable compendium of statistical data for political analysts and party officials as well as an indispensable text for students and others interested in the evolution, transformation and the prospect for Caribbean democracy into the twenty-first century and beyond. "

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75.44 BBD

Ghana has witnessed a 'revolution through the ballot box', since its return to constitutional rule in 1993. Yet this period of sustained democratic government in an era of globalization and liberal triumphalism has brought with it new demands. How has Ghana faced up to the problems of institution-building, state-market relations and democratic leadership? Can it deal with the challenges posed by security, human rights and foreign policy in the twenty-first century?

This unique collection interrogates all these issues and assesses the future of the democratic experiment in one of sub-Saharan Africa's rare 'islands of peace'. In doing so, it provides an invaluable guide to Ghana's political past, present and future.

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Government & Politics of France 3ed.

Government & Politics of France 3ed.
103.15 BBD
Updated throughout to cover the period of Chirac/Jospin cohabitation and the implications of Chirac's success in the dramatic 2002 presidential and parliamentary elections, the third edition of this popular and widely-used text provides a clear and comprehensive account of the contemporary French political system.
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Government & Politics of the United States 2ed.

Government & Politics of the United States 2ed.
101.50 BBD

Comment on first edition:'A most impressive book. Comprehensive in scope and clearly written, it is the most suitable text on United States government yet produced for non-American undergraduate students.' - Alan Ware Revised and updated with a new chapter on urban politics and full coverage of the Clinton administration, Government and Politics of the United States provides a broad-ranging, systematic and sophisticated introduction to the contemporary institutions and processes of government in the USA set in a clear historical context.

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Introduction to Caribbean Politics

Introduction to Caribbean Politics
69.95 BBD

This is an introductory text for students if Caribbean Politics at the undergraduate level. It provides a broad historical sweep from the slave era to the contemporary period, characterised by issues of structural adjustments and globalisation, and in between, the years of worker revolt and protest. The text is structured and presented around a number of core concepts used to analyse Caribbean politics and political systems. Understanding of each concept is aided and enriched by selected readings from both published works as well as original articles specially commissioned for this book. This student-friendly text contains summaries of the key concepts discussed in each section, questions to test students' understanding, suggestions for further reading and a self-assessment section. Key concepts/issues include: 1.Imperialism, Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism, Re-Colonisation 2.Struggles of the working class people 3.The politics of constitutional decolonisation and the Westminster model 4.Party systems and electoral politic 5.Trade Unionism 6.The Politics of change: alternative development strategies 7.Regional integration

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Introduction to Caribbean Politics (e-Book)

Introduction to Caribbean Politics (e-Book)
36.75 BBD


This is an introductory text for students of Caribbean Politics at the undergraduate level. It provides a broad historical sweep from the slave era to the contemporary period, characterised by issues of structural adjustments and globalisation, and in between, the years of worker revolt and protest. The text is structured and presented around a number of core concepts used to analyse Caribbean politics and political systems. Understanding of each concept is aided and enriched by selected readings from both published works as well as original articles specially commissioned for this book.

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Introduction to Political Science

Introduction to Political Science
17.74 BBD
177.40 BBD
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Appropriate for introduction to political science or politics courses, INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE covers both normative and empirical issues while examining major political ideologies, institutions, and processes. This text introduces students to the enduring, normative questions of politics and to the different schools of thought concerning these issues. It also provides students with information about political systems and issues in a global context, relating comparative and international issues to everyday life. Finally, it teaches them to think critically about politics, applying logic and empirical analysis to political questions. The social choice framework provides a conceptual model that students can understand, apply, and critique.

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Living at the Borderlines

Living at the Borderlines
79.05 BBD

"The idea that the Caribbean could be devolving downward in wealth, function and sovereignty has become a recurrent theme in both academic and popular literature. By focusing on some of the current issues facing Caribbean nation states, the editors and contributors to this volume hope to inform and contribute to the ongoing debate on the broad themes of Sovereignty and Development and the prospects for survival of Caribbean nation states in a globalised world. While some of the papers seek to describe and analyse the range and complexity of the challenge to national sovereignty and public policy autonomy, others focus on issues relating to small country size, gender and ethnic tensions, security, constitutional reform and regional integration. The result is a balanced perspective; the contributors do not gloss over the problem faced by the region. At the same time they do not present a hyper-pessimistic picture of Caribbean development prospects. What gives the collection a particular dynamism is the way in which the authors have challenged the terrain of political possibilities traditionally defined for small peripheral socities. "

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Observing Elections The Commonwealth's Way: The Early Years

Observing Elections The Commonwealth's Way: The Early Years
41.80 BBD

"The Commonwealth of Nations comprises 54 nations bound by a common thread of inherited democratic principles that have been deepened and expanded over time. In this work, author Carl Dundas, a key player in election observation, reviews the work of Commonwealth election observers and identifies some of the lessons to be learnt from the experiences of several observation missions. The period 1990 2000, covering 32 missions is examined and the collective experience of flawed election processes valued and weighed against the impact of local conditions to allow citizens the opportunity to exercise their franchise freely. Of particular interest is the commentary on the one-party, military or apartheid regimes that were transformed into multiparty democracies. The trials faced by the management bodies of transitional elections in creating a level playing field for the contesting political parties and keeping the election process transparent were significant and particularly challenging. Observing Elections is a special edition of the Integrationist and a useful text for anyone interested in development politics and Commonwealth studies. "

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Political Worlds of Women

Political Worlds of Women
168.75 BBD
Political Worlds of Women provides a comprehensive overview of women’s political activism, comparing formal and informal channels of power from official institutions of state to grassroots mobilizations and Internet campaigns. Illuminating the politics of identity enmeshed in local, national, and global gender orders, this book explores women’s creation of new political spaces and innovative political strategies to secure full citizenship and equal access to political power. Incorporating case studies from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, Mary Hawkesworth analyzes critical issues such as immigration and citizenship, the politics of representation, sexual regulation, and gender mainstreaming in order to examine how women mobilize in this era of globalization. Political Worlds of Women deepens understandings of national and global citizenship and presents the formidable challenges facing racial and gender justice in the contemporary world. It is an essential resource for students and scholars of women’s studies and gender politics.
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Politics in the Developing World

Politics in the Developing World
76.20 BBD

Politics in the Developing World, Second Edition, identifies and analyzes the processes of change that are transforming the politics of the Third World. It deals with central political themes and issues such as globalization--both economic and cultural, and resistance to both--inequality, identity, religion, the military, democracy, the environment, and policy development. Presented in a user-friendly format, the text contains useful pedagogical features including a glossary of key terms, chapter summaries, questions for discussion, chronologies, web links, suggestions for further reading, and boxes highlighting particular issues, events, and ideas. The second edition features four new chapters on "people power," security issues, colonialism and post-colonialism, and globalization/good governance.

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Public Information Technology: Policy & Management

277.65 BBD

Public Information Technology: Policy and Management Issues constitutes a survey of many of the most important dimensions of managing information technology in the public sector. Written by noted academics and public administration practitioners, this book addresses general policy and administrative issues in this arena as well as the information technology skills needed by public managers.

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Reinventing Government in the Information Age

Reinventing Government in the Information Age
106.00 BBD

Will information technology help reinvent government? It might, but only if it is correctly managed. This book provides a new model for management of information age reform, based on international case-studies drawn from the US, UK, mainland Europe, and developing countries. It offers practical guidance and analytical insights and will be of value to practitioners, students, educators and researchers in both public administration and information systems.

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Rural Development: Putting The last First

Rural Development
42.85 BBD

Rural poverty is often unseen or misperceived by outsiders. Dr Chambers contends that researchers, scientists, administrators and fieldworkers rarely appreciate the richness and validity of rural people's knowledge or the hidden nature of rural poverty. This is a challenging book for all concerned with rural development, as practitioners, academics, students or researchers.

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