Access: Introduction to Travel and Tourism
Practical and easy to understand, the second edition of ACCESS: INTRODUCTION TO TRAVEL AND TOURISM is designed to prepare you for a successful career in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. This edition has been updated to include new content and expanded topics in order to ensure that you understand all facets of the travel business. With updated coverage of technology, new profiles of industry leaders, additional activities, refined graphics and full- color photos, this concise text provides you with a wealth of practical information designed to help you refine your research skills, respond to real-world scenarios, identify key concepts, and remember critical information.
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Caribbean Tourism
In Caribbean Tourism, Jean Holder tells the story of how, when, why and whence tourism, now the driver of most Caribbean economies, was introduced into the region and why its journey has been a turbulent one. Tourism was one of the means of diversifying out of a Caribbean sugar industry that was beset with difficulties after emancipation in the 1830s. This situation was made even more difficult by the fact that tourism is in itself a complex and invasive phenomenon which does not require a history of colonialism and racism to provoke strong reactions in a society.
Holder takes case studies from those islands where Caribbean tourism first blossomed - Barbados, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica and Cuba - to demonstrate the post-emancipation complexities and the measures taken to address them. He details the history of various regional entities and the roles they played in the development of the Caribbean tourism industry and goes on to analyse Caribbean tourism performance in the second decade of the twenty-first century against the background of the state of the world economy, the forecast for global tourism andair transportation performance and the prospects of current major and potential markets of the emerging economies of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and other countries.
In outlining a sustainable strategic plan for the industry, which pays special attention to the current needs in the areas of product development and the exploration of new niche markets, especially sport, culture and heritage, Holder expresses continuing confidence in the tourism sector. In spite of current challenges, the tourist industry is resilient and the Caribbean's best hope for continued development, provided the region works together and plays to its strengths.
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Caribbean Tourism: Visions, Missions and Challenges
"Worldwide, tourism has become one of the most pervasive industries affecting towns and cities and remoter communities. No less so for the Small Island Developing States of the Caribbean, for which tourism has undoubtedly been one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. But tourism is equally, one of the most fragile industries, susceptible more than any other to competition in the global marketplace and to the effects of natural and man-made disasters. Hurricanes and harassment, crime and violence present daunting challenges. In this post 9/11 era however, the primary challenge for Caribbean States is to develop a sustainable, competitive tourism product. Caribbean Tourism: Visions, Missions and Challenges examines the various factors necessary to face that challenge by discussing: - The role of education and training in the development of the hospitality industry; - The Cruise factor cruise ship contribution to the industry; - Case studies of the performance of the 4 Caribbean Countries; - The performance of the regional airlines; - Lessons from another region; - Community-based tourism development; and - Marketing the destination. Balancing contributions from academics and industry experts, this volume, as part of a three-volume series on Caribbean Tourism, takes a multidisciplinary approach to developing sustainable Caribbean Tourism and provides students in training, researchers, policymakers and industry players with a much needed tool for understanding the way forward for Caribbean Tourism. "
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Coffee Culture, Destinations and Tourism
This book explores the various aspects of coffee culture around the globe, relating the rich history of this beverage and the surroundings where it is produced and consumed to coffee destination development and to the visitor experience. Coffee and tourism venues explored range from the café districts of Australia, Canada, Germany and New Zealand to the traditional and touristic coffee houses of Malaysia and Cyprus to coffee-producing destinations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific. This is a must-read for those interested in understanding coffee in relation to hospitality and tourism. Readers should gain a new appreciation of the potential for coffee-related tourism to contribute to both destination development and pro-poor tourism objectives.
Aspects of global coffee culture are explored as they relate to the settings where the beverage is produced, prepared and consumed as part of coffee related tourism. The book examines the potential of such tourism for developing tourism destinations, products and experiences as well as improving the livelihoods of coffee producers.
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Competitive Strategies and Policies
This text has been written against the backdrop of the international financial crisis. The figures illustrate the negative effects an international economic crisis can have on tourism. This book sets out competitive strategies and policies which have been drawn up with different types of destinations in mind.
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Contemporary Caribbean Tourism: Concepts and Cases
The Tourism industry is seen as the linchpin that holds the majority of the economies of the Caribbean together. In Contemporary Caribbean Tourism, authors Roberts, Best and Cameron, provide a comprehensive, contemporary resource for students and practitioners alike. Spanning the breadth of issues from accommodation and transportation; environmental and economic impacts; Cultural, Sport, Health and Wellness, and Adventure Tourism; to disaster management and preparedness, this book discusses all of the elements essential to the long-term development and sustainability of the Region's most valuable source of income. Cutting across the Dutch, English, Spanish and French Caribbean, the history and issues of tourism in the Caribbean are presented in a cohesive and easy to grasp manner, with practical examples, case studies and references from all aspects of the business of tourism. Structured to provide an understanding and analysis of the importance of tourism to the Caribbean, Contemporary Caribbean Tourism stands as a foundational text addressing all of the contemporary realities of Caribbean tourism. The book is divided into 5 key sections with chapters which each feature learning outcomes, summaries and key terms as well as discussion questions and exercises. Copiously illustrated with tables, figures, images and cases, each chapter is rounded out with references for further reading.
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Cruise Operations Management
Cruise Operations Management provides a comprehensive and contextualised overview of hospitality services for the cruise industry. As well as providing a background to the cruise industry, it also looks deeper into the management issues providing a practical guide for both students and professionals alike. A user-friendly and practical guide it discusses issues such as: - The history and image of cruising- How to design a cruise and itinerary planning- Roles and responsibilities on a cruise ship- Customer service systems and passenger profiles- Managing food and drink operations onboard- Health, safety and security Cruise Operations Management presents a range of contextualised facts illustrated by a number of case studies that encourage the reader to examine the often complex circumstances that surround problems or events associated to cruise operations. The case studies are contemporary and are constructed from first hand research with a number of international cruise companies providing a real world insight into this industry. Each case study is followed by questions that are intended to illuminate issues and stimulate discussion.The structure of the book is designed so the reader can either build knowledge cumulatively for an in-depth knowledge of managerial practices and procedures onboard a cruise ship, or they can 'dip in' and make use of specific material and case studies for use within a more generic hospitality or tourism learning context.
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Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities 2ed.
Developing Hospitality Properties and Facilities sets out some of the key issues in developing hospitality properties from the hospitality manager's perspective. From the original concept, through each part of the process, it provides an essential guide for students and professionals on how to manage hospitality facilities to their best effect, using a model-based insight into the process in an informed, but non-technical way.
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ETourism Cases Studies: Management and Marketing Issues in ETourism
eTourism Case Studies bridges the gap in contemporary literature by carefully examining marketing and management issues of many international companies that have successfully implemented eTourism solutions.
With contributions from leading global experts both from the industry and academia, each case follows a rigid structure, with features such as bulleted summaries and review questions, as well as each section having its own thorough introduction and conclusion written by the editors, highlighting the key issues and theories.
This is the first book of its kind to bring together cases highlighting best practice and methods for exploiting ICT in the tourism industry, from international market leaders.
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Facilities Management
This text provides an overview of the interdisciplinary nature of facilities management. It discusses the framework within which facilites managers should operate and the key requirements of their task.
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Hospitatlity Financial Management
Real-world advice for quick retention of the most important business concepts and skills of hospitality finance
Hospitality Financial Management provides a straightforward, practical approach to help the hospitality manager effectively analyze hospitality industry management reports and financial statements; prepare accurate business forecasts, strategic pricing models, and effective cost-control systems; manage working capital; develop and finance growth strategies; perform investment analysis; prepare investment packages; negotiate and structure business deals; and ultimately increase shareholder value and personal wealth.
This comprehensive how-to book includes:
- Feature Stories--brief histories of famous hospitality leaders highlighting how they have used financial management skills to attain success for their companies and significant financial rewards for themselves
- Learning Outcomes--a summary of key topics covered in each chapter
- Finance in Action--scenarios that apply the concepts, skills, and techniques presented in the chapter to real-world situations. A step-by-step solution is provided for each problem to walk the reader through the necessary financial calculations
- The Real Deal--boxed inserts that emphasize the relevance of the book by linking financial concepts to fun facts associated with situations students either have or will encounter in their everyday lives
- Concept Checks--case studies that reinforce the materials presented and enable students to practice their analytic and problem-solving skills
Hospitality Financial Management is the perfect book for undergraduate and graduate hospitality management students, hospitality industry managers, and owners of small hospitality businesses.
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Human Resource Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure
Human Resource Management for the Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Industries uses a strategic and issues-driven approach to present a reflective analysis of how human resource evolves in the context of international tourism, hospitality and leisure. Drawing on wide-ranging, international academic and application sources to illustrate the debates and vital issues that exist within people management in this sector, this book is designed to develop students' critical understanding of why things operate in the manner that they do and how the international context creates diversity in the application of management principles. In addition, this process of reflecting on human resource issues will allow students to arrive at ideas and solutions that will assist them in the workplace.
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Human Resource Management in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry 2ed.
This fully updated and expanded second edition of Human Resource Management examines the role of human resource management in the hospitality and tourism industry. The subject is approached from four perspectives: * the social psychology of managing people * the economics of labour * the practical techniques * strategy.
Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry is written in a clear, user-friendly style and offers a challenging view of the subject and an opportunity to learn an important aspect of management in an applied context. It is appropriate for degree level students and practitioners in the industry.
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Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries takes an integrated look at HRM policies and practices in the tourism and hospitality industries. Utilising existing human resource management (HRM) theory and practice, it contextualises it to the tourism and hospitality industries by looking at the specific employment practices of these industries, such as how to manage tour reps or working in the airline industry.
- recruitment and selection: the effects of ICT, skills required specific for the industry and the nature of advertising
- legislation and equal opportunities: illegal discrimination and managing diversity
- staff health and welfare: violence in the workplace, working time directives, smoking and alcohol and drug misuse
- remuneration strategies in the industry: the 'cafeteria award' approach, minimum wage and tipping
Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries is illustrated throughout with both examples of best practice for prescriptive teaching and discussion, and international case studies to exercise problem solving techniques and contextualise learning. It incorporates a user friendly layout and includes pedagogic features such as: chapter outlines and objectives, HRM in practice - boxed examples, reflective review questions, web links' discussion questions and further reading.
Accompanying the text is a companion website which includes extra case studies to aid teaching and learning.
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Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry
Written from a practitioner s perspective, this straightforward concise book provides the planning, organizing, influencing, and control functions associated with human resource management in hospitality and tourism organizations. The basis of this book is to present the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required for an individual to become a middle level manager in the field of hospitality human resources. Part One focuses on the evolution of the practice of commerce to include the development of complex employer/employee relationships; Part Two presents a snapshot of duties and responsibilities associated with the practice of professional management; Part Three covers communication, leadership, motivation, and recruitment and selection skills. For HR generalists and specialists, or for training programs in any industry. "
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Human Resources Management for Hospitality
Approaching Hospitality Human Resources Management from the perspective of the global economy, this book reaches beyond the individual hospitality manager's day-to-day operations to examine the hospitality industry in the context of increased competition. It considers both the "soft skills" involved in counseling and interpersonal relations, as well as the "hard skills" involved in the legislative and technical aspects of managing people.ÿ
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Last Resorts
The Caribbean is everybody's idea of a tropical paradise, but its traditional economy faces a precarious future. Tourism is increasingly touted as its only hope of creating jobs and wealth. This book explores this mega industry, and the way it is changing the face of the Caribbean.
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Managing Visitor Attractions 2ed.
Visitor attractions represent a complex sector of the tourism industry and are the catalytic focus for the development of tourism infrastructure and services. As this area grows, there are still many questions to be answered and issues to be understood – such as what visitor attractions actually are, what forces drive their development, who visits them and why, how they are funded, and what the numerous day-to-day challenges are in respect of their management and
marketing. The second edition of this successful text investigates these issues further and provides more solutions and suggestions for the present and future.
Now in its 2nd edition, Managing Visitor Attractions: New Directions has been fully revised and updated to include new case studies on attractions in Singapore, seasonal variation,
religion-based attractions, HRM issues and heritage tourism. It also includes five new chapters
looking at attraction success and failure, interpretation, school excursions, managing gardens
and brand management.
Divided into five parts, the book tackles the following core topics:
• the role and nature of visitor attractions
• the development of visitor attraction provision
• the management of visitor attractions
• the marketing of visitor attractions
• future issues and trends
With contributions from around the world, this is an essential text for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of visitor attraction management, written by subject specialists with a
wealth of experience in this field.
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Marketing for Tourism
This fourth edition provides an introduction to the general theory of marketing and its application in the various sectors of the travel and tourism industry.
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New Perspectives in Caribbean Tourism
The Caribbean is one of the most tourism dependent regions of the world. This edited volume extends beyond the frontiers of normative perspectives of tourism development to incorporate "new" ideas and perspectives that relate to the socio-cultural, political and economic realities of these societies. This edited text therefore explores tourism in the region within the context of key currents of Caribbean thought and critique in relation to issues of dependency, postcolonial interactions, race and class as well as identity and culture. Engaging a range of disciplines and themes, this volume offers a critical examination of the unique experiences, challenges and practices of Caribbean tourism.
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Research Methods for Business Students 6ed.
A comprehensive introduction to research methods in business for students planning or undertaking a dissertation or extensive research project in business and management. The sixth edition of Research Methods for Business Students brings the theory, philosophy and techniques of research to life and enables students to understand the practical relevance of the research methods. A highly accessible style and logical structure have made this the 'student choice' and run-away market leader. The book is written for students on undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in business, or business-related disciplines. The following online resources support the text: *For Students: self-assessment questions, glossary, revision "flashcards", tutorials for SPSS and NVivo, plus Smarter Online Searching Guide * For Instructors: teaching manual, powerpoint slides, testbank
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Risk Management for Meetings and Events
Events of all types are produced every day for all manner of purposes, attracting all sorts of people. Creating and managing the environment in which these people will gather carries with it awesome responsibilities - legal, ethical, and financial. To provide a safe and secure setting and to operate in a manner that ensures the hosting organizations or individuals achieve their objectives in a proper and profitable way, event risk management must be fully integrated into all event plans and throughout the event management process.
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Service Quality in Leisure & Tourism
This book aims to develop an awareness of the underpinning theories of quality as applicable to leisure and tourism,including its characteristics and typology. Suitable for students and researchers, it shows how to evaluate critically the numerous quality management systems and techniques available within the context of the leisure and tourism business environment.
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Special Interest Tourism
A more mature travelling public seeking experiences that satisfy a whole spectrum of interests has given rise to one of the fastest growing segments in the tourism industry: special interest tourism. With its roster of expert contributors, this landmark work describes this new brand of tourism, discussing its strategies, policies, and initiatives, introduced in Australia and internationally. Its clear exposition of theory and wealth of industry applications illustrate the diversity of tourism product and development in this new and growing tourism area.
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Sports Tourism
Sport Tourism introduces students to the phenomenon of sports tourism--one of the fastest growing niche markets in the $500 billion tourism industry. Students will learn to define sport tourism and to apply fundamental marketing principles to competitive and recreational activities in which sport is the primary or secondary attraction. Sport Tourism covers participatory sport tourism (e.g. ski golf and tennis resorts; whitewater and wilderness trips; sports theme cruises; adventure tours and sport camps) and event-based sport tourism (e.g. the Olympic Games college football the Baseball Hall of Fame or the World Cup).
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