General Reading

Caribbean Reasonings: M.G. Smith - Social Theory and Anthropology in the Caribbean and Beyond

Caribbean Reasonings: M.G. Smith - Social Theory and Anthropology in the Caribbean and Beyond
81.55 BBD

"M.G. Smith: Social Theory and Anthropology in the Caribbean and Beyond invites readers to explore the life and work of Michael Garfield Smith, one of the most prolific Caribbean thinkers of the post-war era. M.G., as he was known, is credited with having made significant contributions in the fields of anthropology, social theory, sociology and politics. This collection of essays, presented at the 2008 Caribbean Reasonings conference held in honour of M. G. Smith, is divided into three parts. In part one, 'Critical Contestations, ' both sides of the creole society debate are argued while the argument is also made for and against Smith's plural society theory. In part two, 'Anthropological Excursions, ' Smith's fieldwork observations and conclusions in both Africa and the Caribbean are also thoroughly examined, while part three, 'Beyond M. G. Smith, ' demonstrates the impact that M. G. Smith has had on scholarship coming out of the Caribbean, as his work is used as a point of departure in rethinking aspects of Caribbean social theory. "

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Caribbean Reasonings: The George Lamming Reader

Caribbean Reasonings: The George Lamming Reader
75.00 BBD

George Lamming is one of the best known, certainly one of the most highly regarded contemporary writers from the Caribbean. Spanning nearly 60 years and encompassing fiction, poetry and critical essays, Lamming s writing covers the length and breadth of Caribbean intellectual, cultural, political and literary life. Credited as a part of that group of Caribbean activists who awoke the Caribbean to its identity and more specifically to its cultural identity, his works have focused on finding new political and social identity. 


George Lamming is one of the best known, certainly one of the most highly regarded contemporary writers from the Caribbean. Spanning nearly 60 years and encompassing fiction, poetry and critical essays, Lamming's writing covers the length and breadth of Caribbean intellectual, cultural, political and literary life. Credited as a part of that group of Caribbean activists who awoke the Caribbean to its identity and more specifically to its cultural identity, his works have focused on finding new political and social identity. Indeed, Lamming was a seminal figure in the Caribbean 20th century intellectual tradition and radical anti-colonial tradition. Lamming is best known for his novels. In the Castle of My Skin and The Emigrants take place in England and are largely autobiographical. Of Age and Innocence and Season of Adventure are set on the fictional Caribbean island of San Cristobal. In Water with Berries, the plot of Shakespeare's The Tempest is used to unmask the imperfections of West Indian society while his final novel, Natives of My Person, gives account of the voyage of a slave-trading ship on the triangular trade route from Europe to Africa to the New World colonies. In The Aesthetics of Decolonisation, friend and colleague Anthony Bogues pulls together Lamming's critical works, some previously published, some given as addresses, lectures and interviews. This is accompanied by critical reflections on Lamming's work by noted scholars such as Andaiye and Sandra Pouchet Paquet as well as a foreword by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o. This much needed reader on Lamming and his work examines the history of the Caribbean and the categories which continue to shape and influence Caribbean identity in our contemporary world.

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Caribbean Reasonings: The Thought of New World, The Quest for Decolonisation

Caribbean Reasonings: The Thought of New World, The Quest for Decolonisation
75.50 BBD

"The New World Group (NWG) came to prominence during the post-independence era of the early 1960s to the early 1970s. Founded by Lloyd Best, the NWG encouraged a rethinking of accepted models and practices in politics, economics and development by presenting alternatives which spoke to the realities of Caribbean society. The Group was able to extend its reach to the wider Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, and even North America, through distribution of a fortnightly journal published in Guyana, a quarterly journal published in Jamaica as well as numerous pamphlets. Divided into three parts, The Thought of New World: The Quest for Decolonisation critically examines the significant contributions of the New World Group to Caribbean political and economic thought while setting the stage for a renewal in thinking regarding issues affecting the region. The first part, Reflecting, consists of essays by former associates and members of the New World Group - Norman Girvan, James Millette, David de Caires, Kari Levitt and Vaughan A. Lewis - who give insight into the group's philosophies and their relevance for the current state of global and regional political and economic affairs. The second part, Imagining, includes essays largely from a new generation of thinkers - Dennis A. Pantin, Kirk Meighoo, Patricia Northover, Michaeline Critchlow, Paget Henry and David C. Wong - who submit new perspectives on the thought of NWG. The third part, Remembering, is an in-depth interview with Lloyd Best in which he discusses the origins of the New World Group while revealing many of the important moments which shaped his life. "

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Caribbean Revolutions and Revolutionary Theory

Caribbean Revolutions and Revolutionary Theory
46.95 BBD

This volume re-examines the meaning of revolution as a useful concept in politics. It traces the history of the concept from its ancient beginnings, but especially in connection with the idea of progress since the French Revolution. More recent statements are examined as a prelude to arriving at a less deterministic, entrenched definition than has often been the case, but which retains the idea of revolution as a potential window and facilitator of change.

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CARICOM: Policy Options for International Engagement

CARICOM: Policy Options for International Engagement
109.85 BBD

"In CARICOM: Policy Options for International Engagement, the contributors bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in putting forward the critical questions policymakers must consider and answer, in charting the course and laying the framework for this coordinated structure and foreign policy plan. Divided into four sections, the volume firstly presents the perspectives that corroborate the need for collective action. The second section focuses on the emerging powers and the need for South to South Cooperation while the third section discusses the external trade negotiations and the impact of the loss of EU preferences and subsidies; the EPA and trade negotiations in the WTO; and the new CARICOM-US trade relations. In the fourth and final section, the volume is rounded out by an examination of the kind of cooperation that is needed first at the regional level to sustain economic development. The need for harmonisation of fisheries policies and the prevention of maritime degradation; the preservation of the environment and the need to reverse the effects of climate change; the need for a cohesive regional security policy and a viable air transportation industry as well as the legal framework to implement multilateral treaties are all examined as imperative to CARICOM's development of a coordinated regional foreign policy plan. "

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Case Studies on Educational Administration 5ed.

Case Studies on Eucational Administration 5ed.
272.70 BBD

This book immerses prospective administrators in the realities of practice. Problem solving and decision-making skills are addressed through the use of open-ended case studies. Effective practice in school administration requires both leadership and management. In today's reform-minded, information-based society, practitioners must be able to frame problems correctly and then make effective decisions to ameliorate them. As leaders, district and school-level administrators are expected to focus on what should be done to improve schools; as managers; they are expected to focus on how to do things successfully. The cases in this book are designed to make students think about common problems of practice by encouraging them to bridge theory and practice. More precisely, the cases are intended to hone four essential practitioner skills.

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Cases and Materials on International Law 9/E - eBook

Cases and Materials on International Law 9th ed (E-Book)
122.25 BBD
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Cases on Issues & Problems

Cases on Issues & Problems
85.40 BBD

Increased public awareness of the importance of education to national development has brought the work of the school and other educational institutions into sharp focus. The job of the educational manager/administrator in creating the climate for effectiveness and efficiency in the management of educational institutions must be seen as one of the most critical elements in the equation, if not the most. The factors that define the role of educational managers/administrators must be constantly studied. Despite the complexities involved, an understanding of the internal and external factors impinging on each institution will go a far way in dealing with issues and problems when they arise.

This resource is designed as a practical approach to integrating theory and practice. It is a tool to be used in diagnosing and treating situations that have the potential to derail the objective of providing society with an educational product that will contribute much to societal and individual development. School managers/administrators will find a number of situations depicted in the cases similar to their own experiences or dissimilar to the extent that no two situations are the same. What is relevant here is that the dynamic milieu in which educational management takes place throws up continuous challenges that must be faced and handled with professional expertise. Such expertise is born out of a knowledge base that is rich in practical experiences, theory and research.

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Cave Hill Currents: The Guild of Students' Academic Journal Vol.2 No.1 Sept.2007

5.00 BBD
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Cave Hill Currents:The Guild of Students' Academic Journal Vol. 1 No.1 Sept. 06

5.00 BBD
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Celebrating the Unforgettables

Celebrating the Unforgettables
50.00 BBD
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Central Africa in the Caribbean

Central Africa in the Caribbean
98.45 BBD

Central Africa in the Caribbean is the product of more than three decades of research. Maureen Warner-Lewis's pioneering study analyses some of the main lineaments of the Central African cultural legacy in the Caribbean, with fascinating transatlantic comparative data. She identifies Central African cultural forms in areas settled by the Koongo, Mbundu and Ovimbundu (the two present-day Congos and Angola) and illuminates Caribbean thought and customs through comparison with those cultures.

The work is based on extensive primary and secondary sources, oral interviews, folk-tales, and songs. Additionally, through her knowledge of the functional languages of the region - Spanish, English, French, and their creoles - Warner-Lewis accesses a wide range of pre-existing research on the Central African cultural impact on the Americas; this gives her work a unique pan-Caribbean breadth.

Warner-Lewis's multidisciplinary approach highlights the debate concerning the origin and transformation of cultural forms in the Caribbean against a larger background of African culture and economy, and Atlantic World colonialism and slavery. This book is invaluable for scholars and general readers interested in African diaspora studies, African and Caribbean history, linguistics, music, religion, and cultural anthropology.

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Certificate Mathematics: A Revision Course for the Caribbean 4/E

Certificate Mathematics: A Revision Course for the Caribbean 4/E
82.80 BBD

Certificate Mathematics is a two-year revision course for students following the General Proficiency Syllabus in Mathematics of the Caribbean Examinations Council. It provides a programme for thorough review and consolidation of all the basic aspects of mathematics needed for success in the examination. The fourth edition of this extremely popular and successful textbook. Takes account of the latest changes to the CXC syllabuses. Incorporates a very large number of graded exercises to help student's "learn by doing".

Includes chapter summaries and points to remember that enhance the usefulness of the book for consolidation and revision. Contains specimen tests in preparation for the multiple choice and long answer papers of the CXC examination. Used systematically, Certificate Mathematics will provide students with a firm foundation for success in their CXC mathematics examinations.

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36.18 BBD
40.20 BBD
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4.02 BBD
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Connecting Africa to the Caribbean through vibrant, sensuous descriptions, this collection of stories follows a young white girl who is plunged into a puzzling awareness of the complexities of race relations. Whether trying to understand her parents, their Muslim servant’s sense of the sacred, or the incomprehensible prohibitions of a colonial childhood, the maturing girl struggles to rectify the constant tension between the sense of separateness and the desire to belong. Told in a touching, first-person voice, this collection of elegant and poignant stories captures the anima of Africa and the Caribbean.
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Champion of the Gayelle

Champion of the Gayelle
17.85 BBD

The gayelle is an arena, an area of challenge and contest. In the West Indies the gayelle is best known as the stage for stick fighting, or the pit for illegal cock fighting. But it can also be used as an arena theatre space.

Champions of the Gayelle is the first of the Gayelle collections of plays in the Macmillan Caribbean Writers' Series. These collections feature popular Caribbean plays with outstanding track records in regional Arts and Drama Festivals, together with less widely known and newer plays that have the potential to become tried and tested favourites.

This first collection includes: Alwin Bully's much-loved Dominican comedy, Good Morning, Miss Millie; the perennially successful Duelling Voices by Zeno Constance of Trinidad and the record-breaking drama The Rapist by Jamaica's Pat Cumper.

The three plays in this first Gayelle collection are all community-oriented champions of the larger gayelle of West Indian theatre. In spite of their successful track record, only Good Morning, Miss Millie has been previously published. Macmillan is delighted that Champions of the Gayelle not only revives Alwin Bully's evergreen comedy, it places on record one of Zeno Constance's finest plays and introduces the work of the talented Pat Cumper making these memorable West Indian dramas available to a wider audience.

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Chancellor, I Present....

Chancellor, I Present....
38.00 BBD

Reader, I present . . . the humour, craft and eloquence of the University of the West Indies (Mona) Orator, Professor Edward Baugh! Our man of words at Mona is a distinguished poet and actor, a master of gesture, tone and tempo. It is his mission to write and perform the convocation citations to honorary graduates. This book is a spirited collection of speeches delivered between November 1985 and April 1998. The magic of the voice on the page conjures images and sounds in virtual reality.

Chancellor, I Present . . . is a public record of one of the most rewarding occasions in the University calender - the drama of convocation. The subject of this book - the honorary graduates - inspire the orator's artistry: singer, statesman, soldier, actor, politician, diplomat, cleric, educator, entrepreneur. The accomplishments of these exceptional men and women are lauded here in grand style.

The opportune publication of this book, much requested over the years, coincides with the extraordinary convocation to mark the University's fiftieth anniversary. It is a most fitting symbol of the intellectual vigour of our celebrated institution.

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Changing Skill Demands In Manufacturing And The Impact On Caribbean

20.00 BBD
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Chasing Down the Dawn

Chasing Down the Dawn
5.00 BBD
29.20 BBD
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24.20 BBD
Sale 83% off 1 item

AIready a legendary performer in the music industry, Jewel has been writing poetry, short stories, and prose since she was young. She's also a bestselling author, poet, and actress. Now this uniquely talented artist opens the pages of her most intimate journals to give readers, fans, and friends a glimpse of her magical, turbulent life.

Drawn from life on the road during her Spirit World Tour, Jewel captures unforgettable moments from her childhood in Alaska, her beginnings as a struggling artist, and her challenges as a daughter, sister, and woman. With acutely observed, eloquent depictions of the musicians, lovers, bikers, strangers, celebrities, and characters that inhabit her world -- and illustrated throughout with candid, never-before-seen photos of Jewel and her own photojournalism and drawings -- Chasing Down the Dawn is more than a collection of vignettes, observations, and stories. It is a finely wrought mosaic in prose and poetry, set to the rhythms of life.

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Clarkson and Keating: Criminal Law Text and Materials 9/E

Clarkson and Keating: Criminal Law Text and Materials 9/E
118.70 BBD
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Class Photos UWI Medical School 1994 To 2015

225.00 BBD
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Class Photos UWI Medical Students 1954 To 1993

225.00 BBD
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Clear Word & Third Sight

Clear Word & Third Sight
54.70 BBD

Clear Word and Third Sight examines the strands of a collective African Diasporic consciousness in the works of several black Caribbean writers. John shows how a shared consciousness, or third sight, is rooted in both pre-and postcolonial cultural practices and disseminated through a rich oral tradition. This consciousness has served diasporic communities by creating an alternate philosophical worldsense linking those of African descent across space and time. Contesting popular discourses about what constitutes culture and maintaining that neglected strains in Negritude discourse provide a crucial philosophical perspective on the connections between folk practices, cultural memory and collective consciousness, John examines the diasporic principles in the work of the Negritude writers Leopold Damas, Aime Cesaire and Leopold Senghor. She traces the manifestations and reworkings of their ideas in Afro-Caribbean writing from the Eastern and French Caribbean, as well as the Caribbean diaspora in the United States. The authors she discusses include Jamaica Kincaid, Earl Lovelace, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Audre Lorde, Paule Marshall and Edouard Glissant, among others. John argues that by incorporating what she calls folk groundings--such as poems, folktales, proverbs and songs--into their work. Afro-Caribbean writers invoke a psychospiritual consciousness which combines old and new strategics for addressing the ongoing postcolonial struggle.

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Cognition (USED)

Cognition (USED)
92.25 BBD
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Collaboration between UWI & other regional tertiary level institutions

36.00 BBD
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Collins CAPE Chemistry - CAPE Chemistry Multiple Choice Practice

Collins CAPE Chemistry - CAPE Chemistry Multiple Choice Practice
39.65 BBD

This CAPE Chemistry Multiple Choice Practice book is an invaluable exam preparation aid for CAPE Chemistry students. This book provides excellent practice for the multiple choice questions from Paper 1 of the CAPE examination, and has been specially written to help CAPE Chemistry students improve their Paper 1 exam score.

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